New Beginnings Scene 1

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy this.

Daphne's POV:

"Lauren! Veronica!" I call out

"Daphne, I'm over here!" Veronica calls back.

I get up slowly feeling the wet stickiness of blood coating my pants leg and blood trickling down my forehead. Slowly move in the direction of Veronica's voice.

"I'm coming for you, Ronnie! Keep talking to me! Can you move?"

"Ye-yeah I think."

It no longer sounds like she's yelling so I know I'm getting closer.

I continue to crawl through the debris looking for the raven-haired girl. I spot her under some debris and try my best to move quickly.

"I'm here Ronnie." I stop beside her. "I'm gonna get this off of you now okay?"


There's a piece of ceiling lying across her waist and she has a gash on her upper left arm.

I grasp the edge of the piece of ceiling and start to lift it. It's pretty heavy causing me to grunt and my arms to shake slightly from the exertion. I finally get it up enough to push it to the side.

"Can you move your legs?" I kneel beside the girl.

I watch as she wiggles her legs and moves them around.

"Okay. Let's get you up."

I help her sit up and then stand and gently pull her up with me. I keep my hands on her waist to help keep her steady until she gains her bearings.

"You're bleeding." Veronica says looking from my leg to my forehead.

"So are you." I say getting a closer look at her arm.

She turns her attention to her left upper arm.

"Can you stand on your own?"

"Yeah." She nods.

I release her and strip off my shirt revealing my undershirt. I rip a part of the shirt off and tie it tightly around Veronica's arm right above the gash.

"What the hell happened?"

"Some kind of an explosion."

"Where's Lauren?" Ronnie asks looking around the debris for her girlfriend.

"I don't know. Let's look for her. Be careful though the rest of the building could collapse at any minute."

Veronica nods in understanding and grabs my hand staying close to me as we search for my best friend.

Veronica and I got lucky. Our injuries aren't too severe given that we fell approximately two stories. At least I think we did. We were on the top floor and this nice brand new athletic center is four stories or it was rather.

"Lauren, where are you? Make some noise if you can!"

As soon as those words leave my mouth I hear a faint banging coming from our right. We follow the sound and soon my eyes land on the girl we've been searching for. I run over with Ronnie right behind me her hand still in mine.

"Lauren." I drop to my knees beside her and caress her hair. "Open your eyes for me sweetheart."

When she doesn't open her eyes I take stock of her visible injuries. She has a piece of metal on her right lower leg, a piece of ceiling across her stomach, and a large gash on her forehead.

"We need to get this stuff off of her and get out of here. Help me."

I stand up and Veronica and I work together to move the metal off of Lauren's leg and then we move onto the piece of ceiling.

"Shit!" I exclaim once I see Lauren's stomach.

Her stomach has a gaping wound similar to what I assume mine looked like after the accident.

"Wh-what are we go-gonna do now?" Ronnie questions in a panicked voice.

"She's unconscious. I'm gonna have to carry her out." I take a deep breath and look at Ronnie. "Okay, I can take her out and come back for you or you can hold onto the back of my shirt and go with us. We're gonna have to take the stairs. Do you think you can make it?"

"I can ma-" Her words are cut off as she collapses in my arms.

Well, shit.

I gently lay her on the ground. I'm gonna have to carry them both out. Lauren is injured worse so I'm gonna take her first.

"Alright, Lo, let's get you out of here." I say as I scoop her up bridal-style and head in the direction of where I remember the stairwell being.

It's a struggle to get down the stairs safely with Lauren in my arms with all the debris covering the steps but we make it. I was right we only fell two stories. I need to quickly get Lauren out so I can go back for Veronica.

I make it out of the building with Lauren in my arms. The parking lot is crawling with emergency personnel and spectators from the game. I rush Lauren to an ambulance.


I turn around to find Clara, Mike, Chris, and Talyor running towards me.

"Where's Lauren?"

I point to the ambulance causing them to go to it to see their daughter and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, Coach Blossom and Mr. Blossom, Mr. and Mrs. Topaz, my Dad, Gavin, and Tamara come to a stop in front of me.

"Where is Veronica?" Mrs. Lodge questions me.

"She's still inside. I'm going back in for her."

"No, you're not."

I turn around at the voice to find a woman in an FBI windbreaker.

"The hell I'm not."

"Search and rescue will go in and get her."

"My daughter is still inside." Coach Blossom says.


"So is our daughter." Says Mr. Topaz.

Double shit!

I may not be on good terms with the two girls but I have to get them out.

"My wife is in there."

My head snaps in Gavin's direction.

Fucking shit!

I look back at the FBI agent in front of me.

"Those are my people in there and I'm going to get them out. Search and rescue doesn't know the building like I do. They can go with me but you're not gonna stop me."

Without waiting for a response I turn on my heel and head back towards the building.

"Follow her!" She shouts.

I hear quick footsteps behind me as I enter the building heading upstairs to Ronnie first. I send her out with two of the search and rescue guys. The rest of us head down to check the last two floors. Four of the search and rescue team members check the second floor while the other four go with me to check the ground floor. As we're searching we hear the building creak. The five of us look up as the ceiling starts to break apart.

"It's coming down!" One of the guys shouts.

Well, fuck me.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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