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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. Daphne's outfit is below.

 Daphne's outfit is below

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Daphne's POV:

"Please welcome my first guest, star of the Orlando Pride, Daphne Drakos!" Ellen says.

I walk onto the stage, waving at the screaming crowd. After hugging Ellen, we both sit down.

"It's great to finally have you on the show."

"It's great to be here. This is such a huge honor." I smile.

"So you've been pro for what, three years now?"

"Almost four."

"You went pro right out of high school?" Ellen asks.

"I actually went pro right before my senior year. I had gotten pro offers my junior year and went to this special soccer camp that summer which led to more offers."

"Did you get your GED?"

"No, I completed my senior classes online and graduated with the rest of my class. I didn't attend graduation though because I had a game that day."

"Did you always want to go pro?"

"I was actually hesitant at first. I had originally declined the pro offers I got junior year and I didn't want to go to the camp."

"What changed your mind? And can you tell us a little bit about the camp?"

"As for the camp, it's basically just an elite soccer camp for the best of the best. Those that haven't already gotten pro offers typically get them by the end of camp. You train just like the professionals and you compete against some of the pro teams. What makes this camp so great is that you get to bring your friends and family with you and they get the chance to train with you if they want but they also get to network with other friends and families as well as speaking with the coaches, trainers, and pro players to get a sense of what to expect if their child or best friend decides to go pro. Part of what changed my mind is my co-captain on the basketball and soccer teams, Dinah Jane, many of you know her as a member of Fifth Harmony, was offered a spot at the camp as well and she along with our friends and their families ultimately convinced me to go to the camp. I decided to go pro after a bad breakup and everything else that happened that summer."

"When you say everything else that happened that summer, are you referring to the kidnapping?"

I simply nod.

"How much do you remember from the three days before you were found?"

"I honestly don't remember much from those three days. I remember being tied up and I remember the pain but that's about it. When I got out of the hospital, I felt I needed to just get away from everything from my exes to the looks I was getting from people because of the kidnapping so I accepted the offer to play for the Orlando Pride."

Ellen nods slowly. "You went to school with Dinah Jane Hansen? Have you met the rest of Fifth Harmony? How many exes were you trying to get away from?"

"I did go to school with Dinah and I have met the rest of Fifth Harmony. I knew them all long before they became Fifth Harmony because we all went to school together. And I only have two exes."

"How old were you when you dated your exes?"

"I was seventeen. Both of my exes are girls and I dated them at the same time. We were happy for a while. Unfortunately it didn't last. That relationship isn't something I'll ever regret but I think the timing was wrong for me. I wasn't in a place mentally where I should've been in a relationship with one girl let alone two."

"Are you going to tell us who you dated? Do any of the members of Fifth Harmony know who you dated?"

I knew she would eventually get to this. They should since two of the members of Fifth Harmony are my exes. However, I'm surprised she hasn't asked about my biological parents since she brought up the kidnapping. I don't like who they are or what they've done but it's something I have to live with. Ya can't change who your parents are.

"I'm not going to name any names because I don't know how comfortable they would be with that." Even though they're dating each other again and out to the public. "And yes, all of the Fifth Harmony members know who my exes are."

Ellen smiles. "I admire your for protecting the privacy of your exes. That's not something many people do these days."

I smile sweetly.

Ellen turns to the audience. "Unfortunately that's all the time we have with Daphne today but you can watch her play in tomorrow's game on ESPN. Up next is our musical guest Fifth Harmony!"

The crowd cheers as Ellen turns to me and shakes my hand.

"Thank you so much for being on the show."

"Thank you for having me."

Guess I'll have to finally face my exes after almost four years. How bad could it possibly be?

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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