Operation Catch My Ex

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy it. Just a little something that popped into my head. This has the potential to become a story.

Daphne's POV:

"Shut up!" I say as I throw paper clips at the two men for teasing me about my crush on my partner.

"Okay, calm down children." Our boss says as he walks in with my partner behind him.

"This isn't over." I point at the two men as I sit back in my chair.

My partner sits down in the chair beside me. Madelaine Petsch, my partner of six years. I've had a crush on the fiery redhead for four years now. The first two years of our partnership I spent getting over my ex-girlfriend. I never told Madelaine much about my relationship but she was there for me those first two years despite my reluctance to talk about it. I slowly started to fall for her, it happened so naturally. Maybe because she's different from my ex or maybe because they're the same.

Much like me my ex was and still is ambitious. The difference between us is that she'll step on people to get what she wants. She wasn't like that in the beginning or she was and I just never noticed it. We met when we were ten and started dating at eleven. Young I know but we were inseparable at least until we broke up at sixteen. We wanted different things at that time. She wanted to conquer the world and I had just been recruited by the agency.

"What's the case, boss?" Kyle asks the older man.

"We have to stop a mad scientist billionaire that's trying to take over the world."

"Another one?" Comes from Malcolm.

"Yes, another one. Moretti and Petsch will take the lead on this one if they can handle it."

"Of course, we can handle it." Madelaine and I fist bump.

"You may not be saying that once you find out who it is." Our boss says.

I simply shrug at the look Madelaine gives me and turn my attention back to the man in front of us.

What could possibly change my wanting to take the lead on this case?

"This case involves a biological weapon. The information we've received says this person has figured out a way to alter a virus that will take out anyone with a weakened immune system leaving only the strongest of the strong and that they plan to introduce it into the water supply. Your job is to determine if this information is accurate and if it is then you'll need to act fast and stop the attack."

Sounds easy enough.

"Who is the target?" I question.

I noticed he's been careful to not say a name yet.

He presses a button on the remote in his hand and a picture pops up on the screen at the front of the room.

My blood runs cold. You've got to be fucking kidding me!

"Still think you can handle it, Agent?"

All eyes are on me as I clench my fists and exhale through my nose.

"I can handle it without a problem." I reply as I get up from my chair and head for the door.

"Daphne, who is she?" Madelaine questions me as my hand lands on the door handle.

I sigh.

"Vanessa Morgan, my ex-girlfriend."

And with those words, I exit the room mentally preparing to take down my ex-girlfriend.

Daphne and Madelaine are agents sent to stop the world's evilest person...Vanessa Morgan. The short brunette with pink highlights is someone you wouldn't think of as evil, that's because the image she presents to the public is that of a sweetheart but she's anything but. She also happens to be Daphne's ex-girlfriend.

When Madelaine goes undercover at a party thrown by Morgan and is kidnapped will Daphne be able to save her?

Will Daphne choose her ex-lover over her partner that she continuously flirts with?

Madelaine's life hangs in the balance of good and evil and only Daphne can tip the scale.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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