O-S The Party (Herb x Sparkling)

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"I can't believe I'm here," Herb muttered, looking around the place. He crossed his arms and nervously stood by a wall as the other people talked and laughed. "Why did he invite me?"

"He invited you because he thinks you're cute," said a familiar voice.

"Wait, really," Herb asked, turning towards Sparkling. "You think I'm cute?"

Sparkling walked forwards, grabbing one of Herb's hands and pulling it away from his chest. "Very." He began to pull Herb up the stairs and into his living room, which was void of people. "I've got the waitstaff on the case for taking orders and I hired Parfait to entertain the guests. I know you don't like crowded places, but I wanted an excuse to hang out with you. You looked so uncomfortable. I hope you don't mind being up here."

Herb blushed as he was yanked down onto the couch, Sparkling not letting go of his hand. "I- I think you're cute, too."

"Would you like to go out with me sometime, then?" He stared deep into Herb's eyes.

"I- I- y-yeah." Flowers sprouted up all around them and Herb dropped Sparkling's hand to cover his face. "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!"

Sparkling laughed as he looked around the flower covered room. He rubbed calming, circular motions against Herb's back. "I've been meaning to redecorate anyways," he said. "You're fine, Herb. It's cute. It means you're excited to go out with me, and I love that because I'm excited, too!"


"Of course."

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