O-S First Day (Part 2)

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Licorice was tossed around in the hallway, getting smooshed between theatre kids and athletes as he desperately tried to make his way to art class. Everyone seemed so big. He'd had enough. "MOVE! ALL OF YOU! OR I'LL BREAK YOUR LEGS FOR YOU! MCBETH, MCBETH, MCBETH, GO, GO, GO, YOU THEATRE NERDS!"

"No need to get violent, Licorice," replied a calm voice from behind him. He blushed at the sound of it, afraid to turn around. "What's your next class," he asked.

"R-room 15. Arts."

"What a coincidence! I have the same class! Come on, I'll help you." Clover took his hand, leading him through the hallway carefully.

"I r-really like y-your dress." He tried not to think about how they were holding hands.

"Thanks, Licorice." He looked back at him with a smile, winking at him.

Then, a rather excitable, tall boy with the energy of a golden retriever bumped into them, causing the two of them to fall on top of each other. Licorice felt his soul leave his body when Clover's crystal blue stared down at him, face flushed bright red.

"I'M SO SORRY," Madeleine called out, quickly pulling Clover to his feet, followed by Licorice. He laughed. "I'm a sophomore and I'm still figuring out the campus." Then, he walked off, waving them a goodbye.

Licorice didn't have time to recover before Clover was holding his hand and leading him again. And then, he stopped. They had arrived at class and there was no need for it anymore. He couldn't help but feel sad.

The taller boy gestured for him to sit next to him in class, pulling out the chair for him. He reached into his brown, leather backpack and took out a perfectly sharpened pencil and sketch pad. Clover smiled as Licorice stumbled over his feet trying to sit down.

He leaned in so close, his lips right by his cheek. "I missed you over the summer," Clover whispered in his ear.

"I-I missed you too," he said, his voice catching in his throat.

Clover chuckled, the heat of it brushing against the side of his face. He leaned back, looking to the front of the room, waiting patiently for class to start. Licorice shuddered, trying to relax.


"So, you skipped a grade, huh?" Madeleine fidgeted in his seat next to a rather young junior.

"I did nothing of the sort," replied Espresso. "I completed two years of online school over the summer. My parents made me attend the rest of my high school career in person, claiming that I need more social interactions with kids my own age."

"Wow... that's... that's impressive." Madeleine twirled his pencil between his fingers and leaned back in his seat.

"Thanks. I try." Espresso rolled his eyes, pushing up his glasses. His voice was rather bitter.

"Hello, Madeleine," said a sweet, poisonous voice. "It's been a while."

"Uh, hey Pomegranate?" Madeleine looked over at the cheerleader, a little confused. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe... hang out after school? Maybe as a date?" She winked at him.

"Sorry, Pom, but I'm actually gay."

That caught Espresso's attention.

"Really," asked Pomegranate and Espresso at the same time.

"Yeah." Madeleine smiled at them.

"Uh...alright then... I'll uh... go... see ya later, I guess?" Pomegranate shook her head and walked back to where Raspberry and Kumiho were sitting.

"You're gay?" Espresso looked him up and down a few times.


"I'm gay."

"Cool!" He held his hand up to high-five.

Espresso nervously brought it down and shook it.

This was going to be a long day.


Black Raisin rolled her eyes, pulling on the bottom of her leather jacket and crossing her feet on the desk. "I don't understand why I'm here," she said.

"Boots off the desk, please." Hollyberry sighed. "You're here because you started a fight."

"Chili Pepper was the one who stole my wallet." She looked over at the girl in the red flannel.

"Maybe your wallet asked to be stolen."

"Girls. It's the first day of school. I'm going to let you both off with a warning, but if I see it again it's going on your records." Hollyberry frowned at them.

"God, that's so stupid," Chili Pepper mumbled under her breath as she left.

"Agreed," said Black Raisin.

"You wanna skip together?"

"Yeah, why not."

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