O-S broken like me (NOT SAD I SWEAR- Licorice x Clover)

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A/N: This is a songfic for the song broken by lovelytheband (and yes, those of us who grimace when people don't properly capitalize things, there is no capitalization in neither the band name nor the title. That's also why there's no caps in my title besides the label and the brief information.). It's a great song and I highly recommend it! It's got a bit of a slow pace and a techno sound, but it also qualifies as pop punk in my head...

College AU!!!!

I met you late night, at a party
Some trust fund baby's Brooklyn loft

Cheap-alcohol-flavored tongues glided against each other to the deafening beat of whatever crappy, overused pop song from 2015 was playing. A hand moved, gripping the hair on the back of the other's head. In response, a low groan escaped pink lips.

Licorice smirked as he pushed between the drunk couple making out, elbowing one between their ribs. Pressure and accuracy were key and he strategically elbowed them in a way that wasn't hard enough to bruise, but would definitely ruin the mood for them. As he shuffled away in the crowd, he looked over his shoulder, tucking away his mischievous smile in his pocket for later and called out an insincere apology.

Then, as he turned his head back around, he caught a glimpse of something, then walked right into a person holding a drink, which immediately spilled. Licorice, panic stricken and guilty, promptly (and sincerely, this time) apologized and stammered over his words, competing with the irritating music. "I- I REALLY AM SORRY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! I'M SO- UGH- I'M SO CLUMSY AND YOU SPILLED YOUR DRINK AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT! C-CAN I MAKE IT UP TO YOU?!"


By the bathroom, you said let's talk
But my confidence is wearing off

Licorice nodded hastily and grabbed ahold of the young man's shoulder, pushing their way through the sea of drunk (legally adult) children. His face heated up as the man dragged him through the unfamiliar house. Finally, downstairs and away from the speakers, they sat on the stranger's couch and introduced themselves.

"My name is Clover," he said, looking so much more attractive in the moonlight pouring through the window.

"Black Licorice. I uh... I go by Licorice... or- uh- or sometimes... Cory," he trailed off.

"You're as pale as a ghost," Clover noted. "Are you alright?" He pressed a hand against Licorice's flushed cheek.

"I am now," he breathed.

Clover smiled and pulled his hand away, running it through his white hair. A flash of color caught Licorice's eye, and with it came a flash of hope.

"Is that?" He wasn't sure how to ask. "Is that a rainbow bracelet?"

"Hm?" Clover glanced down to his own wrist absentmindedly, then realized what his new friend was asking about. "Oh, yeah! I'm kinda... hella gay? I hope that doesn't like... ruin your opinion of me. I promise I didn't bring you down here to flirt with you. N-not that I would mind flirting with you, since I'm single and you seem cool, but..." He closed his mouth, afraid of what he might say next.

"I'm actually gay, too! And single!"

"Well then... maybe I will flirt a little..."

"I look forward to it."

These aren't my people
These aren't my friends
She grabbed my face and that's when she said...

"I like that you're broken, broken like me
"Maybe that makes me a fool
"I like that you're lonely, lonely like me
"I could be lonely with you"

A silent understanding passed over the two. That humbled look they shared in their eyes. There was something there. Something that they couldn't see, but could feel. And they knew it was mutual.

There's something tragic, but almost pure
Think I could love you, but I'm not sure
There's something wholesome, there's something sweet
Tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet

These aren't my people
These aren't my friends...

"Hey, wanna get out of here? Like, not in a weird way, I'm just getting a headache from the volume of the music upstairs. We could go grab some crappy coffee from the nearby convince store, since it's open all hours?" Clover smiled. "I don't really know anyone here, I just showed up because I wanted to know whether or not I was a party person. I am not," he said with a chuckle.

"Neither am I. I saw a flyer and showed up to make fun of people and ruin happy memories."

"Oh my god, you're the chaos I've been looking for."

She grabbed my face and that's when she said...

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