O-S The Great Heist (Licorice & Poison Mushroom)

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A/N: I just put whipped cream on top of Dr. Pepper and it's actually really good-
Anyways my point is, I'm ready to write whatever weird stuff pops into my head now.

"Don't look at me like that, Chiffon. You know you would do it if you were me." Licorice shook his head as the dog whimpered. He continued rummaging through Red Velvet's bag until he found what he needed. Silently, he took the possession and tossed a treat at Chiffon, giving him a pat on the head. "Good boy," he whispered as he left the apartment.

Stealthily, he walked through down the hall and to the right, grabbing his key out of his pocket and opening the door to his own apartment. A winged black cat trotted over, rubbing against his leg and getting in his way. "Ey, move it Bat-Cat! Why do you always do this? Do you want me to trip over you?" His golden-brown eyes narrowed as Bat-Cat leaped up onto the coffee table and jumped off of it, spreading his bat wings and flying through the air to torment his owner.

He meowed insistently, swooping down to land in Licorice's hood. Carefully, he poked his head out, resting it on Licorice's shoulder right by his ear. Then, and only then, did he yowl.

Licorice flinched, then rolled his eyes. "Dude, I wish more than anything Red Velvet hadn't gotten me drunk and dared me to give you wings."


"Brat." He walked up to Poison Mushroom's bedroom, leaning on the doorframe. Licorice knocked twice to get their attention. "Hey, bud. I got you something."

"Is it shroomies?" Their eyes lit up excitedly.

"No," he chuckled, "it's even better."

"Woahhh! What is it?"

He tossed Poison Mushroom the headphones he had stolen. "I remembered your other ones broke, and music helps to calm you down. They're also soundproofing, so when things get too loud for you, you can put them on to help prevent your sensory issue attacks." Licorice smiled at the kid. "Just don't wear them around RV. He's missing a pair just like 'em."

Cookie Run: Kingdom One-Shots, Head-Canons, Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now