O-S First Kiss (Licorice x Clover)

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Clover pulled away with a giggle. "Just out of curiosity, was that your first kiss?"

Licorice's eyes went wide, his face turning an even brighter shade of red. "Wh-what makes you ask that?"

"You immediately tried to shove your tongue all the way down my throat," he answered, cupping Licorice's face with his hand lovingly. "It was adorably inexperienced."

"Uhhhh... I've kissed... plenty... of people..." Licorice looked away in embarrassment. "I was just... trying something new."

"Oh, my bad." Clover smiled. "It was an interesting tactic." He giggled.

A moment passed between the two.

"I lied. That was my first kiss, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm really glad that I was your first kiss. It was very cute and I wouldn't change it for the world." Clover smiled when Licorice returned his gaze. "I've kissed a few people in my time and-"

"Who?! ... I mean... oh that's interesting, who?"

"Wizard...Gumball...and... oh yeah! Herb." Clover placed a kiss on Licorice's forehead.

"Wait... you kissed those guys?"

"Yeah. Wizard helped me with my magic, we went out for a bit. Gumball was in my reckless phase. Herb and I dated for like... 5 months a few years ago." Clover smiled. "You're definitely not a phase, though."

Licorice looked back down at Clover's lips. "I'm still a little jealous. Can I kiss you again?"

"Of course, but how about we take this kiss a little slower?"

"That... sounds better."

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