O-S The Scar (Licorice x Clover)

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A/N: Another awesome request by @iIGhostiCloverIi
Thank you so much! Requests are much appreciated!
This is kinda sad...
It uses my HCs for Clover from the chapter so if you didn't read it, you might not understand.

Licorice frowned. "Hey, I just realized something." He leaned back to look at Clover. "I've never seen the other half of your face," he said with a laugh.

"Hm?" Clover blushed. "You aren't missing out on much." He gave another warm smile as he continued to heal his friend.

Licorice nudged him, wincing slightly from pain. "You should think more highly of yourself."

Clover smiled yet again. He got up and walked across the room and grabbed a hair tie from his bag, carefully pulling back his bangs into a half-up-half-down style. When he turned around, Licorice blushed.

He was so handsome.

His right eye was shut closed, a thin scar running through his eyebrow and down his cheek bone. Freckles dotted his cheeks like poetry. With his hair pulled back, he looked so much more... Clover.

"Woah." Licorice nearly giggled. "Cool scar," he said, refraining from telling Clover how attractive it was on him.

"Aw, thanks." Clover walked back over and sat next to Licorice on the bed. "I kinda need both eyes open to heal you... my uh... my dad taught me to do it when I was little... but... my eye is a little strange and I don't want you to freak out."

Licorice smiled, cupping Clover's cheek. "I promise I won't."

Hesitantly, Clover opened his eye, revealing a beautiful yellow iris. He studied Licorice's shocked face for a moment. "Are you freaking out?"

"No it's just..." A realization had dawned on him. Those thin, clean lines... "You're Pure Vanilla and White Lily's son... Your scar... who...?"

Clover's smile faltered. His face fell. He cleared his throat. "I... my mom was a hero. A wonderful lady dedicated to learning. But things became... problematic at home... and I had to leave. This was around the time of the Dark Enchantress..." He gave a small, sad smile. "She really seemed to hate my dad. After she took the Soul Jams there were rumors that Pure Vanilla was still alive. That he was still healing people."

Licorice covered his mouth with his palm. The Dark Enchantress was cruel... but... she couldn't have-

"She tracked me down and took me as a prisoner. Thought that he would come for me. Nearly cut my eye out. He never came." Tears rolled down his cheeks, but his voice remained even. "Uh... I don't like thinking about it... I don't like thing about how could she be so... so evil... to me..."

"Oh, Clove..." Licorice sighed, wrapping him up in a hug. "The Dark Enchantress is just evil... she used you as leverage... it wasn't personal..."

Clover sobbed against Licorice. "No! It was! She's my mom! That's White Lily! White Lily, the Dark Enchantress, my mom!" He pushed Licorice away. "My mom held a knife to my face!"

"Oh... fuck..." Licorice's jaw dropped. "You..." His eyes watered. "I'm so sorry," he said, hugging him again. "I'm so, so sorry."

Clover clung to Licorice's robes, weeping into them.

"I love you, Clover. I love you so much. You're so beautiful. So handsome. So good. I adore you. I can't believe I worked for that monster. Your eyes are gorgeous. Your scar is just proof that you survived it. It's beautiful, too. It's beautiful because you survived. So please, please... don't hide..."

Clover slept well that night, Licorice hugging him and muttering love and encouragement. After a while, he started wearing his hair up a little more often.

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