O-S I Hear a Simp-phony (Licorice x Clover)

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*to the tune of the intro to Guns And Ships from Hamilton*
How does a teenage girl with limited experience in writing...
Rank so high so fast? It's thrilling; it's exciting!
How do I emerge popular amongst those who are older and more practiced?
Leave the fandom wanting more and waiting for another fanfic?
Yo. Turns out I've got a secret weapon!
A tactic used by lots of readers to give feedback and affection!
Constantly supporting me and giving my stories their attention!
Everyone give it up for the lovely comment section!
That wasn't the song they chose I just saw an opportunity and I took it-
Ok ok ok I'll get to the fanfic... jeez...
The song in this is I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry
(Btw between each part of the song is a time skip and some of them go forwards and some of them go backwards and some of them go in between other parts... it will make more sense when you read it-)

I used to hear a simple song

Licorice walked his normal path through the forest, hearing faint music playing far away as usual. He smiled to himself at the music, hoping to one day find the person playing it and thank them. It was relaxing. It was peaceful.

That was until you came along

Clover flashed him a smile and a wink, then continued his ballad about his love life. Licorice noticed that his mouth had been agape as he stared at the white-haired bard. Quickly, and not without noticeable embarrassment, he closed it.

Now in place is something new

Clover pushed back a purple strand of Licorice's multicolored hair, maintaining the kind of eye contact that leaves you breathless and weak in the knees. The ghostly pale face of Licorice burned red hot under the palm of his hand as he let it linger on his cheek. He just knew he felt it too.

I hear it when I look at you

Licorice shut his eyes as Clover kissed him passionately, tossing his arms around his shoulders and enthusiastically obeying every silent request. He hummed happily against the other's lips as he felt warm, strong hands grip his waist and pull him closer. Even after years of this feeling, he'd never grow tired of it.

With simple songs I wanted more

He stared out his window glumly as Pomegranate faintly chattered at Poison Mushroom in the background. The only thing he could really hear was the stranger's song running through his head. What did they look like? Who were they? What inspired them? Why do they play?

Perfection is so quick to bore

Poison Mushroom threw an empty plastic water bottle at Clover's head with a cackle. "Oh, you snarky teen," he yelled in a joking response. Then, he rushed over and scooped them up as if they were still eight years old. "It's a good thing I love you." He kissed Licorice on the cheek and released Poison Mushroom. Licorice felt so proud to have such a beautiful family.

You are my beautiful, by far

"Do you, Clover, take Licorice to be your snarky, sarcastic husband," asked Herb, his voice cracking and his eyes watering.

"I do."

"Do you, Licorice, take Clover to be your quirky, loving husband?"

"Abso-fuckin-lutely!" He cleared his throat. "I uh... I mean... Yeah... I do..."

Our flaws are who we really are

Clover held Licorice as he sobbed hysterically. "Don't you ever say you're not good enough for me. I love you, Licorice. I love your stubbornness and your determination. I love your checkered past. I love your smile and your eyes. I love you."

I used to hear a simple song

Clover strummed his lute, staring at the stars in the sky. As he sang the lullaby, Custard's cries grew quieter, and eventually the infant succumbed to sleep. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

That was until you came along

Licorice gripped onto white hair as feverish lips trailed up and down his neck. He couldn't help but grin a large, open smile as his head tilted back and his eyes fluttered shut. "I love you, Clove..."

You took my broken melody

Clover shook violently as tears streamed down his face. "Shhhh. It's ok, honey... I've got you," whispered Licorice as he embraced his boyfriend. "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. You're safe with me."

And now, I hear a symphony

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