Who Are You Talking To (Sparkling x Herb)

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Sparkling: Yeah, Herb is pretty great.
Herb: Huh? Who are you talking to-
Sparkling: He's fun to be around, cute, and totally my type.
Herb, blushing: What-
Sparkling: Yeah, I mean... I've been thinking about asking him out for a while.
Herb: i'M rIgHt HeRe AsK mE-
Sparkling: I don't know about it...
Herb: wE'rE tHe OnLy PeOpLe In ThE rOoM wHo ArE yOu TaLkInG tO-
Sparkling, finally turning to Herb: Hey, do you want to go out with me?
Herb: Yes bu-
Sparkling, turning back: He said yes!

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