Random H-Cs I have

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• Espresso, Latte, and Mint Choco are cousins
• Pumpkin Pie is actually 13 years old and nobody knows anything about her past she just showed up one day and hasn't left since
• Red Velvet wanted to be a veterinarian but he didn't have the money to go to school for it
• Madeleine, Clover, and Custard are all relatives of Pure Vanilla
• Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao definitely hooked up a few times when they were teenagers
• Bat-Cat was just a normal black cat but Red Velvet dared him to give him wings, not thinking Licorice actually had magic that could do that.
• Sometimes Licorice pretends Bat-Cat talks to him, but he'd never give him that power because he'd be too afraid of what that cat would say-
• Espresso is not tidy, his apartment is a mess, but he knows where everything is and if anyone moves anything he will yell and cry because it HAS to be THERE or else HAVOC WILL ENSUE
• Sparkling is a complete weirdo goblin from a lower-middle class family but he pretends to have his shit together
• He also does drag and his drag name is Champagne

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