A/N - The End <3

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Thank you all for your support. Congrats for reaching the end of this book! I hope you all enjoyed it! Writing is a beautiful way of sharing part of who you are with the world and I am so glad to have gone on this journey with you. You, who may have been among the first to discover this series. You, who may be reading this long after I've finished publishing this. You, who read thousands of words and nearly 100 short stories and other nonsense and took the time to read this message too. Those of you who didn't are just as incredible to me. I think no less of you. To everyone out there who took the time to read the things I read, I am endlessly grateful and infinitely flattered.

It is on this note that I shall announce the inevitable... this book has reached its end. I have not played CRK since I last updated, and I no longer need it to be a part of my life in the same way I did when I wrote these stories. You all have no idea how thrilled I am to know that there are other people out there that wanted these stories in their lives too. Thank you all so much. Enjoy what makes you happy.

That being said, if anyone is interested in another wonderful game to play or story to read, I have a few recommendations. All of which have exquisite lore and plot.

1. Stagtown - An incredible horror (/feel-good?) Webtoon by the incredible Punko

2. Identity V - A (somewhat spooky but hella cool) game built around the mystery of a forgotten mansion and the deadly games that occurred there, remembered solely by the shelves of diaries written by the games' survivors.

3. The first two but again, for emphasis.

Bye~ <3

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