O-S Sneaking Out (Pancake & Custard)

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A/N: Request for the fabulous Night_time_madness
I hope that this is just as cute as the idea was!

Whispers and hushed giggling sounded from Red Velvet's living room. He sighed in exasperation, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. This was the third time this week.

Custard tripped over his feet as he tried to tip toe through the house. Chiffon lifted his head, collar jingling at the movement. He huffed through his snoot as he stood up and trotted over to the two little boys, tail wagging behind him.

"Awwwwwww," cooed Pancake, petting the dog with great enthusiasm.

Custard got down on the floor, yawning. "Your... your king demands... admiration and affection..." He rubbed his eyes as Pancake shook his shoulders.

"C'mon Kingster! Poison Mushroom let us in the building for this! Madeleine would DIE if he knew we had snuck out to pet an attack wolfhound! We can't get caught now! It's not safe for you to fall asleep yet!" Pancake hugged Chiffon, petting his head.

"I'm not sleepy," pouted the boy, adjusting his paper crown. "How dare you," yawn, "make such accusations." His eyelids drooped and his shoulders slumped.

Red Velvet sighed, yet again as he sat up, swinging his legs off the side of the bed and rubbing his eyes. He stood up and stretched, then walked out into the living room to find two panicked children trying to hide.

"Relax, little ones. I know you're here again and I'm not going to hurt you. Now, come on. Let's get you home. I'm sure your guardians won't be too pleased if they found out you've been sneaking around in Dark territory." Red Velvet rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. "I really gotta have a talk with Poison Mushroom and Licorice about this."

"Okayyyyy," sighed Pancake, hugging Chiffon again.

"Sounds good," said Custard, giving a sleepy thumbs up before lying down.

Red Velvet picked him up carefully, opened the door and waited for Pancake to finish saying goodbye to his dog. "C'mon buddy, there's acorn jellies waiting for you in the car." He smiled as Custard snored softly, but a silent pray ran through him in the hopes that this wouldn't become a nightly occurrence.

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