O-S version of Busy (Espresso x Madeleine)

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Espresso walked briskly through the town, rolling his eyes at Madeleine's constant chatter and eagerness to keep up. He just continued to ramble on and on and on and on... Really, who had the time for this?

"I figured it would be an opportunity to get to know each other," he said, making frantic hand gestures as he tried to put his jumbled thoughts into intelligible words, while still trying to keep up with the impatient man. "I just feel like we might have gotten off on the wrong foot." Madeleine's half hearted chuckle was interrupted quickly.

"I can't. I'm busy." He tapped his fingers on the counter as the cashier kindly scanned his items, before paying in a rush and thanking them. Grabbing his bag, he was out the door, Madeleine stumbling behind him.

"W-well what about tomorrow?"

Jesus Christ, this bumbling fool just doesn't quit, does he?

"O-or the day after?" Madeleine absentmindedly rushed to help Espresso balance everything he was holding, which led to Madeleine himself holding all the groceries and trinkets.

Espresso smiled and raised an eyebrow, watching Madeleine struggle out of the corner of his eye. He pushed up his glasses and continued his hasty stride. "Busy."

"R-really? Ok uhhhh... what about sometime this week? Or... month, even?" Madeleine shrugged the grocery bag onto one of his shoulders and sighed as Espresso placed yet another thick book and vague machine part in his arms.

"Still busy," he replied with a smile, testing the knight as he neared his laboratory.

"Is there any time where you aren't busy?"

"Tonight, the Jampie Diner, 8 o'clock sharp. It's a date, so dress nicer than that. I expect you to show up wearing an expression other than that dumbfounded look you're wearing now." Espresso blushed lightly as he grabbed the things out of Madeleine's arms. "Be there." With that, he closed the door behind him.

Madeleine couldn't think straight. He shook his head in order to break himself from his trance. It was already dark out, what time was it? He had so much to do. Espresso had asked him out with very strict requirements! He had to get ready!

He ran back to the store, through the automatic doors and to the cashier. "THIS IS A MATTER OF URGENCY, WHAT TIME IS IT RIGHT NOW?"

"U-uh ummm," he stumbled over his words as he checked his phone. "7:30?"

"THANK YOU," Madeleine yelled over his shoulder as he ran back out, leaving the poor guy in utter confusion. He dashed all the way to his place, getting dressed in his nicest outfit. He fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, then carefully adjusted his long, blonde hair. He ran all the way to the diner, only stopping to grab some flowers from the Flower Shop. By the time he arrived, he was out of breath and still in shock.

"What did I tell you about that expression, Madeleine?" Espresso smiled as he took the flowers and Madeleine bent over, trying to catch his breath. "Flowers. Thoughtful. Thank you."

"Need... moment..."

"Well I didn't know I was that breathtaking, but it is understandable," he said with a smirk. "In all seriousness, I appreciate your presence. Even if you were a few minutes tardy. I was beginning to doubt you would show up, honestly. Although, that has nothing to do with the fact that you're late, more so with the fact that I feared I may have overstepped?" Espresso nervously played with his soft, brown curls. "I have a tendency to be... rather blunt."

"I rather enjoy it. You express your honest opinions in a way most do not. I find it admirable and refreshing." Madeleine blushed and stood up straight. "Even if it means you quite literally take my breath away from time to time."

"You missed a few buttons on your shirt." Espresso giggled. He giggled. GIGGLED?!?!

Madeleine was bright red when he began to giggle as well. "I was in a rush. It appears my actions were in vain?"

"No, not vain. With me you'll get used to moving at double the average speed." He grabbed Madeleine's hand and pulled him inside. "Eventually."

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