O-S Annoyance (Espresso x Madeleine)

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Madeleine rambled on and on and on and on about his adventures and devotion and adoring fans. Quite frankly, Espresso was sick of it.

Nothing seemed to work. Asking for silence resulted only in a string of apologies and soon-to-be-broken promises. Ignoring the man seemed to encourage Madeleine to try and regain his attention by speaking louder. There was no end to the lengths of which he would go to, seemingly in search of finding new and interesting ways to irritate Espresso.

In fact, Espresso had a list of ways Madeleine managed to annoy him.

1. Suggested I go to bed
2. Laughed after I insulted him
3. Smiled at me
4. Brought me food while I was in the middle of studying
5. Grabbed me and pulled me out of the air and into a hug while I was levitating
6. Introduced me as "his friend"
7. Practices Light Magic frequently
8. Acts genuinely concerned about my well-being
9. Said that I was "brilliant"
10. Continues to brush off my insults
11. Implants the thought of himself into my head solely to distract me from my research
12. Has a face that is simply too symmetrical
13. Too outgoing
14. Too boastful
15. Looks too attractive with long hair

Espresso cleared his throat. He handed the list to Madeleine with a flick of his wrist. "I would appreciate if you would cease to do these things."

Madeleine skimmed the neatly written paper, smiling to himself. Then, his cheeks began to redden, something Espresso had not anticipated. "Why, my good friend, Espresso, it appears that you return my regard for you," he boomed with glee. Espresso had not anticipated this at all.

"What prompts you to say that," he asked, slightly taken aback.

"First, allow me to ask a question. May we speak informally? Though I am aware it is not to your preference, it shall be a lot easier to explain my thoughts." Madeleine gave him that annoying warm smile again.

Espresso sighed, "Fine."

"Is it annoyance you're feeling, or do you have a crush on me?" Madeleine glanced back down at the page in his hands. "Because this seems to be a list of flattery."

"What?" Espresso grabbed it back from him, rereading it with a furrowed brow. "No, I'm annoyed by you. I hate it. I hate your stupid, handsome face. I hate your stupid compassion. I hate you!" He huffed, crossing his arms and turning his head to look away.

"Do you hate me? Or do you hate how I make you feel?" Madeleine stepped forwards and touched his shoulder softly, getting Espresso to look him in the eye once more. "Because feelings of love are a lot more complex than that of hate. Though, the two are not mutually exclusive."

For once, Espresso had no witty comeback. Instead, he stared with wide, brown eyes into Madeleine's blue ones. His face heated up and the closer Madeleine got the more... annoyed he felt. A jittery, nervous, desperate annoyance that made his stomach twist and his knees go weak.

Madeleine slowly wrapped his arms around Espresso's waist, waiting for him to push him away. As he pulled the mage closer, Madeleine looked for any indication that Espresso didn't want to do this. He leaned in hesitantly, preparing for rejection, finding only soft, coffee-flavored lips, warm against his own.

Espresso closed his eyes and moved his hands to Madeleine's shoulders as they moved their lips in synch, finding a pleasant rhythm. He ran a hand through the gorgeous, blonde hair that belonged to the knight. Then, they pulled back to look into each other's eyes again.

Perhaps it was love after all.

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