O-S Family Tree (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: Unrelated to the story but what are your favorite musical artists?
Here are (some of) mine-
- My Chemical Romance
- Fall Out Boy
- Green Day
- Twenty One Pilots
- They Might Be Giants
- Against What's Best
- blink-182
- Sum 41
- All Time Low
(And a whole bunch more that I don't feel like typing out)

Friendly reminder that I HC Mint Choco, Espresso, and Latte as cousins

Espresso's family tree was not exactly filled with riches and support, but it was toppling over with an abundance of prideful geniuses. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, due to the fact that friction and air resistance slows down the acceleration of said apple, causing it to only roll a few feet away from the trunk of its tree.

His heritage rooted back to mob bosses, disgraced scientists, and masters of the occult, however his more recent ancestors were almost as interesting as the others.

Amongst them was his dear grandmother, a feisty little woman who was about as round as she was tall. Espresso remembers her as being a fast talker, who would frequently switch between English and her first language of Italian. Nana was intense and a little bit scary, but she did great things and encouraged him to push himself and never stop chasing his ambitions. She had three beautifully talented, very troubled children.

The eldest was her son, Biscotti, who had a special ability to summon forces beyond his own understanding. Oftentimes, he would get in trouble for scaring other children at school, or, later on in his life, calling on them to attack his peers. He went on to marry a stunning young woman from a higher class family and they soon gave birth to Espresso's irritating, yet lovable cousin, Latte. (It is rumored that Pumpkin Pie is the byproduct of an affair he may or may not have had.)

The middle child was Espresso's mom, Tiramisu, a beautiful, but quiet woman. She was incredibly smart, frighteningly so, yet she was petite and humble and rather forgettable at times. Surprisingly, she possessed a rare power to use fire magic with significant ease, and she married a scientist who studied differences between mages who drew their powers from different places. He also expressed an interest in the potential magical qualities of caffeine, something that Espresso inherited early on.

The youngest was a sweet woman, Cannoli, bright and bubbly, who went through more hardships than one person should have to face in a lifetime. She ended up marrying a hardworking lawyer and passed on her affinity for musical instruments to her outgoing son.

Espresso had always been the favorite grandchild, until Mint Choco came along. He was given his first violin at the age of four and he had mastered the instrument by the time he was twelve. Nana was completely and wholeheartedly proud of him, infuriatingly so.

Needless to say, Espresso was not thrilled to hear that Mint Choco was getting married. Thus, he turned to his husband, Madeleine, who was sitting on the couch staring at his phone, completely oblivious to Espresso's distress. Then, he remembered that he is not good at expressing his emotions, so he decided to verbally alert the Knight Commander.

"I require your attention and beg you to be offended on my behalf at the following news. My cousin is to be married," he spat out.

"Outrageous," roared Madeleine dramatically, slamming his phone down on the couch. He winked at Espresso's startled expression. "How could he?!"

"Tone it down a bit, darling."

Madeleine nodded. "I am so sorry that you are upset. I hear you. I understand that Mint brings out the competition in you, however at least you can always say that you got married first."

"Thank you, Mads. I needed that."


"Fanabla," Espresso cursed under his breath as Mint danced around with Nana, who was as happy as ever.

"Mint is such a bitch," replied Latte, appearing out of thin air beside him. "By the way, your husband is eating all of the fettuccine. Get him under control."


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