O-S A Family of Our Own Part 2 (OC x Red Velvet, Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: That awkward moment when your mom tells you to be more chill, but you're a theatre nerd and start freaking out instead because dId YoU jUsT sAy Be MoRe ChIlL-
A request for @Night_time_madness

"So let me get this straight..." Red Velvet paced back and forth in their living room... "You faked my death and framed my reluctant coworker?"

"Yeah. Lay low for a while and no one's coming after you." Loft smiled, then yawned.

"Dear, you're tired..."

"I gotta go yeet 'Spresso into the sun... be back soon. Love ya Vel..." And with that, she left... again...


"Hey, coffee nerd! I have a bone to pick!" She continued to bang on the laboratory door.

"You suck," he groaned as he opened the door.

"By the looks of your hair you did a lot more than that-" Loft shook her head. "Is he in there?"

Espresso blushed and looked away. "I don't have time for such things..."

"I repeat: is he in there?"


"I need you to promise you're never telling him about me and Vel. I know you love him, but it puts the kids in danger. It puts me in danger. Your Knight Commander would have my head."

"Over my dead body would I let that happen."

"He's a warrior... that might just be the case..." Loft sighed and leaned against the doorframe. "A warrior who is currently passed out naked on your couch, huh?"

Espresso blushed harder and shooed her away. "Out. Now. Get out! Bye! Fuck off!"

"Love you too, man!" Loft grinned as he slammed the door. "Go get him!"

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