O-S Five After Nine (Teen!Licorice x Teen!Clover)

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A/N: This is a song fic for one of my absolute favorite songs by a pop punk band no one I know in real life actually listens to because their debut album came out in 2020. The song is Five After Nine by Against What's Best, please, please go check it out! I want more albums.
Emo Licorice and pop punk Clover.

I remember all the days that
We were on the train tracks
Tryin'a find our way back once again

"I can't believe you convinced me to go full on Stand By Me with you," Licorice groaned, crossing his arms as he kept walking. "How long is this walk?"

"Like... five more minutes. We literally just started walking ten minutes ago." Clover chuckled gently and nudged his best friend.

"I can't help it. I'm an indoor kid." He rolled his eyes and stepped up onto the train tracks, hopping from one to the next. "Besides, it's getting dark fast."

"That's because it's the dead of Winter."

I don't know how the hell we made it
But I'm not the same kid
Playing on the pavement way back then

A silence fell between them, and though it was as cold and weighted as the crisp evening air, it was comfortable. It was times like these comfortable, quiet moments that reminded them of why they became friends to begin with.

It just felt natural.

I'm still thinking of the weeks spent
Waiting for the weekends
Wishing we could breathe in one last time
As we're diving in the deep end
Even though we can't swim
Everything will be just fine

"We're here," he said softly, leading his confused friend over to the creek.

It was small and beautiful. The soft, rippling noise it made, followed by the chirps of the crickets put their souls at ease. Clover sat down beside the running water, laying back to look at the stars in the sky.

Licorice took his phone out of his pocket, tapping on the screen. Music began to play from it and he set it down on a rather large rock. He nudged Clover with his foot. "Scoot over."

Clover happily complied and made room for Licorice to lay beside him, their forearms pressed closely together. The melody danced through their heads and the night sky had never looked so beautiful.

It's only five after nine
I'm lost and losing my mind
Because we know it won't be long before we leave it all behind
It's only five after nine
But it feels like we've been here for a lifetime
So I'll try to keep my head high
And close my eyes unless I'm looking on the bright side

"We ought to get going."

Licorice turned his head to make eye contact with Clover, noticing the way those blue eyes flashed down to his lips.

Fuck it.

One swift movement and they were kissing. Clover moved his hand to run through the layered, black hair. Gravel stuck to Licorice's palm, but he didn't mind the sting when he had the feeling of his crush's lips to focus on instead.

I remember all the phrases
Written on the pages
Everything we'd say when we were young
And we didn't have the patience
Or the dedication
I can't shake this taste off of my tongue
I'm still thinking of the weeks spent
Waiting for the weekends
Wishing we could breathe in one last time
As we're diving in the deep end
Even though we can't swim
Everything will be just fine
It's only five after nine
I'm lost and losing my mind
Because we know it won't be long before we leave it all behind
It's only five after nine
But it feels like we've been here for a lifetime
So I'll try to keep my head high
And close my eyes unless I'm looking on the bright side
It's only five after nine
But it feels like we've been here for a lifetime
So I'll try to keep my head high
And close my eyes unless I'm looking on the bright side
Yeah I'm looking on the bright side
Yeah I'm looking on the bright side

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