O-S It Doesn't Take Long (Another Poison Mushroom x Pancake fic)

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A/N: It's actually just them pining over each other. They don't get together. They're teens.

When he first arrived at the Kingdom from the Republic, Pancake had dreamed of being a flying squirrel. Nowadays, he just dreamed about getting through Espresso's lessons.

He rolled off his bed with a grunt as he fell to the floor. Slowly, he mustered the energy to get to his feet and stretch out his back. A quick glance in the mirror told him that his fluffy blonde hair was in complete disarray and his acne was almost as abundant as his freckles.

Pan spent about five minutes fidgeting with his appearance sleepily. He gave a quick ruffle to his hair, a haphazard tossing of yesterday's shirt to the floor behind him, a new shirt was tugged on, and the bottom of his light blue, stretchy skinny jeans were quickly re-cuffed. He often wondered if Espresso had bought him girl's jeans.

Not that he minded. Espresso was a very busy man and he had a tendency to be distractible, especially when he was shopping online. And it wasn't like he was going to be judged. Poise oftentimes wore dresses and skirts and crop tops. It was perfectly fine.

Ah yes... Poise...

Just thinking about him made his heart flutter. He wasn't exactly sure why. His best guess was that it had just been the two of them and some kind of intimidating older kids, no girls their age were introduced until Pumpkin Pie showed up with her creepy-ass doll. That and the fact that both of them had gay dads.

No matter how hard he tried to focus on other things, like Espresso's lesson plans, he was always thinking about him.

Tall, laidback Poison. That flawless, dark skin. Those bright purple, sleep deprived eyes. The way his clothing hung off of him in a unrealistically gorgeous way. Perfect, bubblegum pink, curly hair that stuck out in all directions. His unique appreciation and fascination for such an overlooked species.

A shiver ran through him and he quickly grabbed a black zip-up hoodie and pulled it on. After another once-over in the mirror, he noticed his blushing face and groaned in misery. He had it bad.


Poison Mushroom walked out of his room, stretching. He couldn't help but chuckle at Licorice, who had accidentally reversed the effect of gravity on himself and was sitting on the ceiling, panicking silently. "G'morning," he yawned out, reaching up to pat his dad on the head.

"I've been up here all night."

"Oh, my mistake. Crappy morning to you, too."

"Shroomy, you will be the death of me."

"Yeah," he said as he walked over to the cupboard and took out a bowl and a box of cereal. "That is, if your magic doesn't kill you first."

"Fuck! I hate that you're right!" Licorice laid down on the ceiling and groaned dramatically.

"I'm going to go hang out with Pan. Espresso is making us do math." Shroom ran a hand through his own hair as he opened the fridge.

"OooOooOooOh..." Licorice sat back up and winked at him.

Poise threw a plastic spoon at him and giggled. "Shut up."

"Fine." He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Go have fun with your friend."

"I will." Poise grabbed his bowl of cereal and put a spoonful into his mouth, grabbing his headphones from the counter, where he had left them the night before, then stuffed his feet into his high tops, mumbling out a muffled goodbye.


Poison stood on the doorstep of his best friend's house, holding a now-empty bowl and a plastic spoon. He cleared his throat and rang the doorbell, chuckling as he heard Pancake and Madeleine both rush to answer the door.

A smile made it's way onto his lips as muffled sounds of crashing and exclamations of discontent sounded from behind the door. It hadn't taken him long to love Pancake and his weird family. It hadn't taken long at all.

Then the door swung open to reveal a flustered Pancake. "Hey," the shorter teen said breathlessly as he looked over at the chaos behind his shoulder.


It doesn't take long to fall in love with your best friend. It doesn't take long to crave more than friendship with your crush. It doesn't take long to feel the way they felt...

But I'll be damned if it doesn't take long to make a move.

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