O-S The Engagement Situation (Licorice x Clover ft. Other Couples)

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A/N: My friends list is now completely full on CRK and I'm very sorry if you send a request and I can't accept it. It's not because I don't want to. It's because I'm being forced to ignore it. I feel really bad about that, guys.

This is a request by my super awesome internet friend @Night_time_madness
(If you request or engage enough with my stories I start to think of you as my friend... just roll with it)

This takes place a couple years after the main storyline in the game. For reference, Poison Mushroom is in middle school, Strawberry is a bassist in a rock band with Gingerbrave, and Carrot is attending college on a full ride scholarship.

The perpetual tick of the clock in his room banged against his worn-out skull like a deranged prisoner trying to force his way out. Its steady, rhythmic torture seemed to numb his frantic mind in a sickening sort of way. Crickets chirped quietly far off in the distance, under the cloak of the woods and the dark and the fog. The quietness of the night left him feeling more overwhelmed. Despite the most noticeable sound being the very lack of noise itself, everything just seemed so loud.

Licorice took in a deep breath, wincing at the pounding of his nervous, lovesick heart. What was he going to do? The question raced through his mind over and over again until it stopped being so much of a question and more of a chant.

He turned his head to see the man he loved sleeping peacefully beside him, illuminated by the pale light of the moon and amplified by the tightness in his chest. Clover was so beautiful. What was he going to do?


"Why are you here without your poisonous child," Espresso asked upon seeing him. His brown and white hair was messy and he was wearing pajamas that hung loosely off of his thin frame. "I haven't the time for visitors."

"I need advice."

"Yeah and I need coffee. Your point?"

"I want to propose to Clover, may I please, for the love of god, just speak to your chatty husband?" Licorice tightened his grip on his scythe, picturing himself summoning a tidal wave of bone servants to push past the door. He let the thought pass.

"Oh. Personally, I believe that proposing shouldn't be that big of a surprise. Discuss it beforehand. Ask when you feel it's right."

"Thanks. That was... helpful." Licorice blushed lightly. "I'll see you around."

"Let me know how it goes." Espresso shut the door quickly.


"No way." Raspberry crossed her arms tightly. "This is ridiculous. I will stab you."

"I heard you and your girlfriend got engaged?"

"Literally leave now."

"I want to propose to my boyfriend."

"I'm going to kill you in five seconds."

"JESUS CHRIST, FINE!" Licorice backed up, putting his hands up in defense. The door slammed shut in his face. "Maybe this is why I'm gay," he muttered to himself.


"I'm so happy for you," said Sparkling. "Proposing can be difficult, but it all comes down to proper communication and good timing." He smiled his cheesy, yet admittedly attractive smile. "Don't force it." Herb nodded his head enthusiastically.

"You're the second to tell me that. Maybe you're right... maybe I should just... ask?"

"Sounds good to me," Herb encouraged. "Clover is a sweet guy. Tell him how you're feeling. He will be happy to talk with you about it."

Licorice nodded hesitantly, then stood to his feet. "Thanks guys. I'll see you around."


What was he going to do?

There was that question again, ringing and echoing around in his mind. Licorice cleared his throat dryly, then patted Clover's arm.

"There's been something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now," Clover said slowly. "I was wondering if you might want to get engaged?"

Licorice went wide-eyed. "Yeah, sure. I... uh... was about to ask you the same question..."

Clover grinned and blushed, kissing his new fiancé. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too. I uh... I actually went around and asked about how to ask you... They all talked about proper communication. Maybe they had a point?"

"Maybe," Clover responded with a chuckle.

He didn't need to worry after all...

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