O-S The Window (Herb x Sparkling)

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A/N: I love it when people make fan art of my stuff btw! If you ever want to, just make sure you tell me and I'll give you my info for you to tag me!

Herb was completely unaware of the passage of time as he stared out the window of his flower shop, leaning on the counter. The chime of the bell on his door was the only thing strong enough to pull him from his thoughts. He rang up his customer's items with a smile on his face, then waved them goodbye, submerging himself in his imagination once more.

Through the window, across the street, and just past another pane of glass stood a tall, lean man with charisma that could charm anyone within minutes. Herb couldn't help but sigh as he watched the bartender prepare drinks with a flourish and a smile.

Though they had been acquainted for a while, they hadn't spoken about much other than Herb's interest in plants. His current fascination, he had said, was this incredibly rare, nocturnal plant that only grew in two countries, far off from the kingdom. Still, Sparkling had listened with a smile and a nod, continuing to serve the others.

It was difficult for him to believe someone like that existed.

Herb was clumsy and introverted. He was well into his twenties and still had no control over his ability to sprout different flowers around him during times of powerful emotions.

Sparkling was a classy and graceful extrovert with an impeccable charm. He, like Herb, was a healer, but he was a trained potion maker. An expert at his craft. Every time he got close enough, Herb thought he smelled like glittery cider and expensive rosé.

The bar across the street roared and cheered as Sparkling laughed, a sound muffled by distance. Herb felt his heart swoop and he swallowed the heartsick sigh he was going to let out, checking his green, plastic watch instead. It was time to close the shop.

Later that night, Sparkling knocked on Herb's door. Timidly, Herb crept down his darkened hall and looked through the peephole, before rushing to open the door. He smiled and blushed, beckoning Sparkling inside his small, adorable home.

They talked and shared a drink or two, making easy conversation and real connections all at once. Then, the blonde handed him a gift, wrapped nicely and tied with a bow. He stood up and walked over to the lamp, turning it off, much to Herb's confusion.

Herb ripped away the wrapping paper with careful and precise motions. Then, he carefully opened the box, surprised by the warm glow that poured out of it like honey. He looked to Sparkling, who leaned back in his chair with a smile.


"I got Madeleine and Clover to get it... they were already on an expedition in the area you mentioned they grow best in... and..." He shrugged. "Happy holidays."

Herb wiped away his tears, setting the gorgeous flower off to the side. Then, he stood up and launched himself at Sparkling, who caught him in an effortless hug. Sparkling nuzzled into his shoulder and rubbed his hands up and down his back as Herb thanked him over and over again.

"I can't believe you remembered!"

The pleasant scent of cider and rosé filled his lungs as he cried tears of joy.

"Why wouldn't I? I care about you."

"I feel so bad! I didn't get you anything! C-can I do something's for you? W-would you like something?"

Sparkling lifted his chin with a finger and gently brought their mouths together. As he pulled back, he smiled at Herb's red face, softly illuminated by the yellow light coming from the flower. "That's all I really wanted. Thank you."

To his surprise, Herb rushed in for another kiss. Then, they were completely unaware of the passage of time.

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