O-S Take Your Time (Espresso x Madeleine)

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Espresso watched the world around him move in slow motion, simply refusing to do so himself. He moved at a constant, astonishing speed that left him exhausted and sore every night; a feeling which he drown out with endless cups of coffee.

It quickly became what he was known for.

It quickly became who he was.

He was Espresso, the town busybody.

Every day he worked his fingers to the bone. Every night he chased away sleep and battled hallucinations as he continued to work.

The trouble began the moment he showed up.

The White Knight, expert of light magic. The fool showed up on a white horse, of all things! How ridiculous he had seemed to Espresso then.

Soon after, it became apparent that Madeleine was bad news.

The first sign of this was when everyone rushed to greet him, asking for autographs and photos with him. Madeleine was popular, which was something Espresso never had been.

Then, while on an expedition with him, Madeleine had talked the whole way, and Espresso found the next sign. The talkative bastard was actually charming.

This didn't make sense to Espresso. He had always been rather chatty, but people everywhere had told him to shut up. So, he had. But no one told that to Madeleine. In fact, they urged him on, asking for more.

The third sign came to him at five o'clock in the morning. Espresso was moving at his regular quick pace through the kingdom. It had been two weeks since he had last laid down to rest, and he, quite frankly, was losing his shit.

Hallucinations were becoming more and more regular, and he could've sworn he saw Madeleine watching him from afar with glowing red eyes.

Espresso shook his head. "He's not there, he's not there, he's not there," he reminded himself, staring at the ground. He looked back over his shoulder one more time. Then, he walked right into a wall and fell backwards with a yelp. When he looked up, he was met with concerned, blue eyes.

Madeleine crouched down, placing a (very real) hand on Espresso's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Espresso blinked a few times. "What's going on," he had asked.

"I wish I could say," replied Madeleine.

He blinked again.

Madeleine was gone.

No, he wasn't. He had never been there to begin with, but that didn't mean he was gone. It was impossible for him to be gone, since he was lurking in every corner of Espresso's mind.


He woke up to those blue eyes staring at him again.

Madeleine couched down, placing a hand on Espresso's shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"What's going on," Espresso repeated.

"I wish I could say," replied Madeleine, yet again. "I saw you lying here in the middle of the kingdom. Do you need assistance? I was about to take you back to my place."

Espresso found himself nodding as his eyes grew heavy. "Assistance would be nice."


Espresso opened his eyes. Looking around, he realized he wasn't anywhere he recognized. He groaned rather loudly as he sat up, his body felt like he had been hit by a truck.

"What the fuck," he asked, voice low and gravelly.

"OH!" Moments later, Madeleine was back by his side. "You're awake!"

Espresso nodded slowly, his heartbeat pounding in his ears, a headache pulsing along to the beat.

"You've been passed out for two days. I actually called the town doctor. It's a funny story, really. I said 'Hi, this is Madeleine. I'm calling to ask about Espresso. He has been passed out for a little over twenty-four hours.' and he responded with 'Give it twenty-four more. Espresso has been hospitalized for this exact thing multiple times, he's fine. He just needs sleep.'" Madeleine laughed.

Espresso groaned in response, nodding his head. "Coffee, please."

"No. That is the last thing you need right now. I'll fetch you a bottle of water and some pain killers, you wait right there." Madeleine got up and rushed off.

He fell back against the soft pillows, taking note of the sweet scent of them.

That's not weird, right?

Ok so maybe it was a little weird, but it didn't mean anything.

"I've been meaning to ask," started Madeleine as he walked into the room and sat down at the foot of the bed. "Why does the kingdom only have one doctor, and why did he ask me to come to his lute concert?"

"That's Clover," replied Espresso, eagerly taking the pill and water from him. "He's not a doctor, he's a musician with healing powers."

"Then why did he say you were hospitalized?"

"He dragged me back to his cabin and sung as I slept for two days." Espresso popped the pill in his mouth, quickly swallowing it with water. "A waste of time, really." He rubbed his eyes and tried to get up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Madeleine frowned.

"To work."

"No, no. I called Sparkling and told him not to let you go into your laboratory for the next couple days." Madeleine scooted next to him, leaning his back against the headboard. "You're not going anywhere any time soon."

Espresso sat where he was for a moment, looking over at Madeleine's caring expression. Without thinking, he leaned against him, allowing himself to get lost once again in that sweet scent. Madeleine moved, and Espresso worried for a moment that he was going to push him away, but instead he just wrapped his arms around him. It was only then when he realized how touch starved he had been.

He looked up at Madeleine, who was smiling and blushing. Then, he nuzzled his face back into his chest. Espresso nearly died when Madeleine pulled him closer. "I'm unsure of my feelings towards you. I keep reassessing them, but I can't figure it out."

"It's ok," said Madeleine. "Take your time."

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