Another Short O-S I Love You (Licorice x Clover)

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A/N: I'm sitting under a desk rn lol

As eyes met eyes under the glittering night sky, the wind seemed to whisper "I love you." It was as though they were made for each other in this quiet, significant moment. Licorice, for once, was silent, preferring to listen to the soft sounds of Clover strumming the acoustic guitar he had bought him.

("Dude, you need to expand your musical talents beyond the old-ass instrument that is the lute. Plus, you'd look so cool playing this.")

The fresh air filled their lungs, washing away their fears and purifying their dreams. Clover continued to pluck and strum the strings, creating a beautiful melody that flowed the forest. There was no doubt in either of their minds that the feeling between them was mutual.

Clover gently set the guitar aside as Licorice leaned his head on his shoulder. He turned his head to look him in the eyes again, before lightly bringing a hand to the back of his head and pulling him into a kiss.

They pulled back and eyes met eyes once more, but this time it was Licorice who whispered, "I love you."

Everything was alright. Everything was good. The world could sleep sound that night.

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