O-S More Lesbian Content (Frost Queen x Sea Fairy)

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A/N: Im giving them names. Sea Fairy and Frost Queen sounds like titles. Sea Fairy is now named Fay and Frost Queen is now Queenie.

Sea Fairy groaned as Frost Queen gently nudged her. "Come on, wake up..." Cold hands touched the base of her spine and the sleeping woman woke up with a yelp.

"QUEENIE!" Fay grabbed her pillow and whacked her girlfriend with it. "YOUR HANDS ARE SO COLD!"

Queenie giggled as she took the blow, then pounced, trapping her in a hug. She kissed her cheek gently and smiled against the warm skin. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, weirdo." Fay laid a hand on her back and looked into her crystal blue eyes. "Why'd you wake me up?"

"I woke you up, because I wanted to show you something!" Queenie sat back up on her heels and tugged Fay to sit up as well. She took out her phone and pulled up a website. "I don't want you to freeze again, Fay." Her playful tone turned serious. "You staying here at my castle is enough of a risk. I was put here to guard the way of Nature. I gave up on my hopes and dreams to pursue my mission. But then I met you. You were meant to be like one of the other snowflakes... drawn to me... dust returning to dust... but midway you defied the cycle! The kindness of others melted your soul... Still, you sought me out. I wake up everyday grateful that you did. You freed me."


"Cotton has grown. She is no longer a child. Time may stand still here, but there was never a rule against retiring. I'm done being the guardian of death! I want to grow old with you, Fay!" Queenie reached out to touch her hand. "I contacted her. She said she would be willing to take over for me."

"Really," Fay asked, eyes wide and mouth agape. "You really mean it?"

"Yes!" She stuck out her phone to Sea Fairy. "I found us a place. It's chilly, but not icy... it's right next to a lake... it's small and cozy... You don't have to agree to it; we could keep looking together. You don't have to agree to any of this; we could just remain as we have been. I love you so much, I just want you to be happy and healthy and with me."

"Yes! Oh my god! Yes!" She wrapped her arms around the Queen, falling back on the bed. "It's perfect! I love you so much!!!"

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