O-S Outside the Social Norms (Espresso x Madeleine)

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"MY DEAR ESPRESSO!" Madeleine burst through the door, throwing his arms out in excitement.

Espresso glanced over at his boyfriend and groaned, sticking a bookmark in his research before setting it down on the coffee table. "Why must you be so loud?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" He plopped down next to Espresso, hugging him tightly. "And I missed you!"

Espresso was rather cat-like in nature, whereas Madeleine was more of a golden retriever. He rolled his eyes, bringing a hand up to Madeleine's cheek, pressing the sides of their faces together gently. "Yeah, yeah. I missed you too, you great oaf."

"Say, Essy. How would you feel if perhaps we were to be engaged?" Madeleine pulled back, yanking Espresso's attention with him.

"Engaged to be married?" Espresso raised an eyebrow.


"Well, I'd like that. But there would be so much to do! So much to plan! Parties to throw! Receptions to attend! I have no time!" Espresso through his hands in the air, frantically trying to put his thoughts into words.

"Darling, you needn't worry. I require no parties. No receptions. No planing at all. I just want to marry you." Madeleine smiled at him and cupped his cheek with a warm, comforting hand.

"That's entirely outside of the social norms," stated Espresso with a dumbfounded face.

"We're entirely outside of the social norms. If people scoff, so be it. They have the right to think what they want. Let us be undeniably ourselves in peace." Madeleine leaned in and pecked his lips. "I am utterly enamored with you."

At that moment, Espresso felt as though his heart would burst. "I'm not one for sentiment, though I believe you already comprehend that I feel the same way towards you?" He reached out and held Madeleine's hand, smiling at the small nod he gave. "Good. Then, let us be engaged."

"Would you like a ring?" Madeleine, pulled one out of his jacket pocket. "I had Avocado make them. Though the tradition is rather silly, I still like the idea of people knowing that I'm yours and you're mine." He placed it in the palm of Espresso's hand.

It was a small, gold band. Nothing intricate. Nothing engraved. Still, it was the most beautiful possession Espresso had ever been given. Not for its appearance, but for what it represented. Immediately, he put it on his ring finger and grinned.

"Shall we get married tomorrow?"

"Would that work for you," asked Madeleine.

"The sooner, the better, my love."

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