O-S Sleepover (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: They're high school/middle schoolers in this

Madeleine sat on Espresso's bed with a smile. "Thank you for inviting me over! Happy birthday!"

Espresso looked over at him, a light blush across his face. "I didn't invite you. My mom did." He returned to peering into his microscope, adjusting the lenses carefully.

"Well, either way, I'm glad to be here." Madeleine laid back, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling that was covered in glow in the dark stars. After a moment of silence, he propped himself up on his elbows. "What are you doing, anyways?"

"I'm studying moss samples," replied Espresso emotionlessly.


Espresso sighed heavily, looking back up at Madeleine with an unamused expression. "In search of tardigrades."

"Oh.... Ok?" Madeleine sat all the way up, looking around Espresso's small, but clean room. It was filled with science equipment and experiments. And books. Lots and lots of books. "Uh, hey, I've been wanting to hang out with you for a while. You don't have to stop what you're doing, but would you maybe consider talking to me about some of the things you're interested in. Everything in here is so fascinating and I'd love to learn more about it."

Espresso couldn't believe his ears. First, Madeleine actually shows up to the birthday party he only agreed to having because he knew that NO ONE would! Then, he lays down in HIS bed and asks about HIS personal interests?! He blushed a bright red and gritted his teeth, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Woah, are you alright?" Madeleine's smile turned to one of concern. How typical of him.

"Why did you even come here," Espresso yelled out in frustration. "We aren't friends! I don't have friends! You do! They don't like me! Every time they see me they laugh and give you a hard time! It would just be best for everyone if you never talked to me again!" Espresso stood up, then broke down in tears, crouching down to the floor.

Madeleine hurried to his feet and dropped by Espresso's side, trapping him in an affectionate embrace. Espresso sobbed angrily in his arms, making weak, half hearted attempts to push him away. "Look, I'm sorry if you don't like me, but I like spending time with you. It kills me to see you this way. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but I do consider you to be my friend. My other friends only laugh because of how often I talk about you." Madeleine gently rocked Espresso in his arms as he talked. "Deep breaths, ok Essy?"

Espresso nodded, clinging to his shirt, shakily attempting to breathe deeply. Madeleine took them with him. Their heartbeats and breathing synchronized.

Finally, the silence between them returned. Espresso remained in Madeleine's arms, his eyes growing heavy. Madeleine pulled him into his lap, an attempt to get their bodies closer.

Espresso pulled back, staring into Madeleine's dilated eyes and flushed face. "Your breathing patterns are irregular," he mentioned, quietly.

"Is that a bad thing?" Madeleine looked genuinely concerned.

"No," said Espresso with a small smile. "Not at all."

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