O-S Experiment (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: FYI my user is CandyLandButGay on the Hollyberry server and I'd love to follow some of you guys! *goes back to crying over Whizzer in Falsettos*
(Why am I so invested in Espresseleine???)

Ink dripped delicately onto the page as Espresso took notes in his organized journal on his most recent experiment, jotting down interesting or important details in quick, neat handwriting.

Subject appears to be stable, for the most part.
When irritated, it deflects.
When provoked, it rarely reacts.
When encouraged it, irritates me.
Subject seems to be somewhat aware.
It does not take kindly to me rearranging or cleaning its habitat.
Subject does not enjoy being observed closely as it rests.
Subject has no regard for upkeep in its living space.
It spends most hours attempting to assist me.
It does not have the required skills to do so.

The door opened and Madeleine stumbled in, holding bags of groceries, kicking the door closed as he began the walk to the kitchen.

Subject has returned from its outing.
It has brought with it sustenance.
At times it is capable of being thoughtful.

Madeleine came back into the living room, smiling. He pulled back his blonde hair with a tie and made his way over to their couch, sitting beside his roommate. "I've been meaning to ask," he began, looking over at Espresso's notes. "Why have you been studying me?"

"As much as I may despise you, I find you to be unexplainably unpredictable and oddly intriguing." Espresso sighed. "You are an unusual specimen."

"Why, thank you!"

"Being your roommate is the most challenging thing I have yet to do. I'm honestly afraid that this is my peak." Espresso shook his head.

"Impossible! You're always learning! It's unrealistic to imagine that you even could peak!"

Espresso scooted closer to Madeleine, leaning against him. For research purposes, obviously. He put his ear to his heart, listening to the beat quicken.

Madeleine took in deep, slow breaths.

"Madeleine, are you gay," he asked.

"Indeed I am!" He put an arm around him.

"It appears we have one thing in common." Espresso sighed. "I have another question."

"Ask away."

"Do you have romantic feelings for me?"

"That I do!" Madeleine smiled, his cheeks blushing red.


Subject has developed feelings for me.
I return said feelings.
I am no longer equipped to study said subject, as I am now biased in favor of it.

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