O-S The Hunt (Yellowjackets AU)

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A/N: I feel like the sheer quantity of chapters is nearing a point where people will start to wonder if I'm a super-fan but really I'm just a teenage girl with ADHD and a lot of down time.

Anyways, have a Yellowjackets AU

Psychological horror
Supernatural elements
Yellowjackets spoilers
Occult practices
Plane crash
Implied cannibalism
Lots of conflict
Split personality disorder
Graphic descriptions of horrible things
If you're scared easily really you shouldn't be reading this
If you watched It and had nightmares you shouldn't be reading this
Turn back before it's too late

Uh yeah... it's a really unsettling but incredible show and I love it and I decided to write an AU

If you haven't watched the show and this story sounds up your alley, go watch it. It's on Showtime. It's fantastic.

Sorry in advance.

The only modern technology they have is a disposable camera because the plot wouldn't work without it. Bold italics are glimpses into the future and are not necessarily in order. Without further ado, gay 18 year olds trying their best to survive.

No. No! No no no no no!

Wind gushed in, a deafening noise. Sirens and screams filled whatever silence remained.

Raspberry had woken up when someone strapped an oxygen mask on her face. She looked out the window to watch the trees outside rise up to meet the aircraft.

This was how she was going to die. Listening to Pastry pray loudly in the row in front of her as the rest of their classmates screamed and cried. Black Raisin took her hand and held tight to it.

This was the end.

And that was only the start of it.


Breathe in.

Smoke bit at his lungs as he stumbled and tripped through the wreckage. A girl who had just moved to their school was slumped over in one of the seats. Licorice placed a hand on her shoulder and shook it gently, before noticing the shrapnel that was plunged through her chest.

Breathe out.

He felt like throwing up. This was all so surreal. Three more steps to hole he'd seen his peers crawl through.


The ringing in his ears did nothing to block out the crackling of fire and the cries of the people behind him.


Was he even alive? Maybe he was a ghost. Maybe he died like that new girl. He wished he remembered her name.


The ground was a lot further away than he imagined. Had he been walking up the plane like a ramp this whole time? Or was-

Someone shoved him from behind and he fell out the hole, to the dirt and sticks and leaves with a thud. The wind was knocked out of him, but he felt no breath leave his lungs. Had he forgotten to breathe in again?

He gasped and at that moment it felt like reality came crashing down on his shoulders. A strong guy, a jock pulled him out of the way and multiple kids jumped down. What once moved in slow motion was now triple the speed.

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