O-S Charismatic Giant vs Spider (Herb x Sparkling)

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"HERBERT LEMONDROP, YOU'RE MY HERO!" Sparkling clung to his short boyfriend, dramatically throwing his head back and draping his wrist over his forehead. "WHAT WOULD I EVER DO WITHOUT YOU?!"

"I really don't know why you're mocking the situation when you literally screamed, jumped on the counter, and yelled for help until I took the spider outside." Herb looked up with a smile at the embarrassed glare he was getting.

"I don't like spiders."

"You're like 6 foot 5, why are you scared of spiders? They eat bugs that could be harmful to plants, not charismatic giants." Herb giggled.

Sparkling scooped him up, carrying him to the couch and sitting down with him in his lap. "I may be tall, but my brave boyfriend is also very tiny." He kissed Herb's cheek.

"Oh, Sparky Glitterworth! Such a dashing gentleman! Resting upon the countertop fretting over a spider! What man could resist?" Herb cupped the side of his face and ran his hand through Sparkling's newly dyed light pink hair.

"Oh god, not Sparky Glitterworth," he groaned in embarrassment.

"That's revenge for Herbert Lemondrop."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Sparky."

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