O-S Gay Parents With Gay Children (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: Part three to the Espresso x Madeleine getting engaged, married, etc.
This is a request by the incredible @IDONTREADbutiread

Espresso cleared his throat, placing his hands on Pancake's shoulders as Madeleine knocked on the door of Licorice's apartment. The door opened to reveal a tired Licorice in pajamas.

"I'm really not in the mood to fight you guys today."

"Oh! No! We aren't here to fight! We're here because... well... erm..." Madeleine flashed him a nervous smile. "Pancake, who we often look after, appears to be in a relationship with Poison Mushroom."

"The murderous child?" Licorice glanced back over his shoulder. "Dude! Come here!" He opened the door and let the guests in, gesturing for Shroom to join them.

Pancake immediately ran to Poison Mushroom, trapping them in a hug and planting a rather wet kiss on their cheek; a form of affection that only a little kid can truly master. Shroom returned the affection with a giggle.

"Ah," said Licorice. "I see."

"He is convinced that they're engaged." Espresso tapped his foot and leaned against a bookshelf as Licorice closed the door. "As Madeleine and I were engaged two days ago and married yesterday, I assume it's because his more... parental role models changing their relationship so quickly... it influences him to believe that he should also change his relationship with them just as quickly." He sighed. "I apologize."

"Nah it's cute." Licorice smiled as the kids ran around. "Plus it's good for them. Playing 'relationship' or 'family' teaches kids in a safe, low risk way how to practice the skills they need to actually have a successful relationship, or function as another role in a family dynamic." He paused, frowning to himself, lost in thought and disappointment. "The closest thing Shroom sees to a healthy dynamic is the one between me and them. Even at that, it's not great."

A blood-curdling yowl sounded through the house, a battle cry as a winged creature, black as the pits of hell, cruel as the unforgiving seas, swooped down and latched itself to Madeleine's panicked face. It clawed and bit wherever it could as Licorice hurriedly tried to free the Knight. Yet again the cat screeched, the sound of war, then gave Madeleine one last scratch as it batted its wings in disapproval, before retreating back into the center of the earth.

"I am SO sorry," said Licorice, throwing his hands up in defense, as though to shield himself from Espresso's cold gaze. "That was my cat. He's a bit of a bastard at times."

"Why does your cat fly," asked Madeleine, out of breath, glaring at Pancake and his 'betrothed' as they laughed.

"Red Velvet bet me I couldn't do it. It was for the sake of science and magic." He shrugged. "Unfortunately, Bat-Cat is too... unusual to release into the wild, so he just comes along with me."

"Do you really think there's so need to worry?" Espresso folded his arms and glanced away, expecting to find out he was not fit to provide support for Pancake.

"Yeah. It's just kids being kids. I wish I had gotten to have that."

Then, everything was fine.

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