O-S First Day (Part 1?)

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High School AU

Licorice looked in the mirror, staring at his reflection, not fully recognizing it to be himself. The dark circles under his eyes stood out in contrast to his pale, ghostly skin, and his curly black hair was parted to cover one eye. His oversized black and purple hoodie that he had sewed himself was starting to come apart at the seams and he made a mental note to restitch those spots. Carefully, he applied his black eyeliner on his waterlines and took another look at himself. "Here we go again," he sighed.

Pomegranate tightened her red ponytail and zipped up her boots. She gave her makeup one last glance over and adjusted her bright red lipstick. Finally satisfied, she smiled to herself as she thought about how she was going to own the school.

Clover took a deep breath as he examined himself in his full length mirror. Today was the day. Today was the first day back. Today was the day he was going to wear a dress to school. He smiled as he smoothed the wrinkles out of the floral skirt and admired the black overall-like top. Pulling at the sleeves of the oversized green sweater he was wearing underneath, he let out a breath he had been holding, then pulled on his thick, cozy socks and black boots. After adding a black beanie to the outfit and grabbing his backpack, he was out the door. "Clothes are just clothes," he reminded himself as he began the walk to school.

Sparkling shrugged on his leather jacket and fixed his hair in the mirror. Sighing, he fussed with the buttons on his shirt, wondering if it would be too formal to button it all the way up. He walked out to the living room and showed off his outfit to his mom. "Is this too dressy for the first day of school? I was going for classy but cool."

Espresso tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the school to open the gates and let him in. He had teachers to meet and things to learn. Finally, they unlocked the doors and Espresso gave them a small smile and adjusted his tie as he walked into the place he couldn't wait to be rid of.

Raspberry rolled her eyes at her father's lame joke, then took off. She didn't want to be late, after all. Her carefully curled pink hair bounced behind as she walked at a moderate speed. It was her first day of high school and she couldn't be more excited.

Herb made his careful way through the neighborhood, holding tightly to the straps on his backpack as he walked an unfamiliar path to an unfamiliar school in an unfamiliar town. Being new somewhere is never easy. But maybe it could be a fresh start? He was beginning to sound like his parents.

Madeleine woke up with a jolt and checked the time. Fifteen minutes till class started. He jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, grabbed his backpack and flew out the door, yelling a hurried goodbye to his family. He nearly ran into a kid with green hair, but he made it on time and let out a sigh of relief. This was gonna be his year.

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