O-S Little Brother (Red Velvet & Licorice)

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A/N: I just listened to all of YUNGBLUD's "weird!" album and about half of Against What's Best's "Underwatertown" album. It's about three thirty in the morning. I can't sleep. Enjoy whatever madness comes from this delightful combination.

"You're like the Winter Soldier," said Licorice, many years ago. "But with red and white instead of silver and black." The rant had continued on longer, but he didn't exactly remember the rest.

Red had always thought it to be funny. Usually, upon first meeting him, people awkwardly avoid looking in his eyes, afraid of what they might see. But then this sixteen year old kid comes in, small and bruised and stubborn, talking nonsense about fictional superheroes and supervillains around him effortlessly. Red still remembered exactly what Licorice had looked like that day.

He had looked too old for sixteen. Like time passed quicker for him. Like he grew up too fast.

Red couldn't tell you when it first began. No, he had always assumed it started that very day and never stopped. But, one thing was for certain, he cared about the kid.

The sarcasm, the stubbornness, the unearned pride masking insecurity...

He cared about it all.

Of course, he would never tell him that. Licorice was so close with Poison Mushroom and Red couldn't help but feel jealous. How he longed to ruffle Licorice's hair and get on his nerves. Longed to be someone for Licorice to lean on. Someone to get him out of trouble. To look out for him like he did for Poison Mushroom.

Instead, he watched the weak sixteen year old turn into a powerful twenty year old, silently cheering him on as they fought side by side. If only Licorice knew. Maybe, just maybe, he'd feel a little less alone in the world.

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