O-S Married With Children (Licorice x Clover)

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A/N: A request for @IDONTREADbutiread

"Huhhhhh?" Poison Mushroom rubbed their eyes. "You're getting married?"

"Yeah... if it's ok with you... I mean... Licorice is more yours than he is mine," Clover smiled at them. "It's your call, buddy."

"There was a time when I had no dads... now I get two of them?!" Their face lit up with a smile and they leaped onto Clover, knocking the wind out of him.

"It'd be an honor to be your dad," he wheezed. "If you'll have me..."

"Of course!!!"

Licorice chuckled and picked Poison Mushroom up, off of Clover's ribcage. "Come on big guy," he said. "We're eloping."

"I wanna look nice!" Shroom wriggled out of his hands and dropped to the ground like a cat, taking off and running towards their room.

Licorice smiled and ran after them, confused. "What are you gonna wear," he asked.

"Ima wear my dress!"

"Ok... if you need help let me know... I think you're going to be the fanciest one there..."

"Can you and Clover wear yours too?" Shroom looked up to him with big eyes. "They're so pretty..."

"Awwww ok. CLOVER!"

He got up and ran to his side. "Yep?"

"We're gonna wear our fancy dresses, can you wear yours, too? Shroom likes it when we all dress up." He wrapped his arms around Clover's shoulders. "I'm so excited to marry you," he whispered.

"Of course!" He scooped up Licorice, bridal style. "I shall carry you across the threshold!"

"That takes place after the wedding, you dork!"

"We were never one to conform to tradition, love. Why start now?"

^ The dress Poison Mushroom finds excuses to wear on a daily basis

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^ The dress Poison Mushroom finds excuses to wear on a daily basis

^ The dress Poison Mushroom finds excuses to wear on a daily basis

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^ Inspiration for the dress Licorice made himself

^ Clover, because he is a simple man with a soft cottagecore fashion sense

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^ Clover, because he is a simple man with a soft cottagecore fashion sense

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