O-S Clover is Good at Being Upfront About His Feelings (Licorice x Clover)

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"Do you ever listen to a song and just go, 'huh. They were definitely high when they wrote that,'" Licorice asked, looking up at the stars in the sky.

"Oh all the time." Clover glanced over to where the boy laid beside him. "Anywhere from White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane to Loser by Beck."

"The entirety of early Green Day stuff," he added.

"Herb is a pot dealer, if you didn't know." Clover snickered. "He's so sweet and innocent but...damn..."

"Are you and Herb... like... together?" Licorice furrowed his brow and bit down nervously on his lip.

"What? No!" Clover laughed that sweet, addictive laugh that melted on his tongue like sugar. "No. We're not."

"Are you..." He trailed off, finding himself too nervous to ask.

"Gay," Clover guessed, looking over at Licorice, who nodded. "Yeah. I'm gay. What about you?"

"Same." He sighed.

"You smitten with anyone?"

Licorice's eyes widened. He felt his face heat up and he paused, searching for an answer. "Uhhhh. Yeah?"

"Really? Who?"


"Cause I'm kinda hoping it's me." Clover chuckled.


"Hm? Oh! I was flirting with you. I like you."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... HUH?" Licorice squeaked excitedly. "rEaLlY?!"

"Yeah, man." He kept his gaze fixed on the stars in amusement. But, soon it was filled with Licorice's flushed face as he sat on Clover's lap and leaned down to look at him. Instinctively, his hands moved up to his hips. "Oh. Hi there. Whatchya doing?"

"I- I- I don't know... I just... felt like it." He looked away as Clover propped himself up. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize, dear." A smile spread across his freckled face.

"I... I like you, too." Licorice sighed.

"Would you mind kissing me?"

"NO! N-no I wouldn't mind at all!" He grinned and wrapped his arms around Clover's shoulders. This was going to be a great night.

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