(Tiny) O-S Closing Hours (Sparkling pining after Herb)

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"Lovely," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he poured the vampire another glass of wine.

"I could bite you right now. Shut it with your judgmental mockery." Vampire sighed, eagerly taking the glass from him.

"After this glass, I'm kicking you out." Sparkling leaned forward, resting his head in his hand.

"So," he asked after taking a drink. "Whodya have the hots for?"

Sparkling snorted in amusement and cocked an eyebrow. "Who do you think?"

"Personally, I think you're gay for everyone's favorite introverted botanist." Vampire took another drink of wine.

"I swear to god, I think I love him." Sparkling sighed. "Just everything about him. He's perfect. Flaws and all. He's just so... incredible." He shook his head, trying to bite back a smile.

"Tell him that sometime," said Vampire, nearly falling off his chair.

"Alright, buddy, let's get you home."

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