O-S A Rushed Wedding (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: A continuation of the last one, thanks to a request by the lovely @Xx_no_sleep_xX

Espresso's head was buried in a book as Milk, who had registered online as a minister, spoke indistinctly behind him.

His words were hazy and distant until Espresso heard the word "vow". At that he marked his spot with his thumb and looked up from the page, turning towards Madeleine, who had insisted they still both dress up.

("I want to look nice," he had said. "And I want you to look nice, too. It may not be a big deal, but I'd prefer to remember the moment as though we were movie stars, rather than just two odd men standing around.")

In all honesty, Espresso thought Madeleine looked rather stunning. The front of his hair was pulled into two braids that met in the back and transformed into one long, thin braid. The rest of his hair was down, as normal. It almost gave the appearance that he was wearing a crown. White roses and pearls were elegantly threaded into his hair, glistening in the light that shone through the small window of Espresso's laboratory. Madeleine, dressed in his nicest blue button up and black dress pants, holding his bouquet looked like an angel.

Espresso was rather gorgeous himself. He had put on a sparkly black and cream dress that Latte had jokingly got him for that very occasion. His dark brown and white hair was pinned back with a shiny clip. Velvety black gloves coated his hands and arms. He chuckled again, looking up to Latte's amused expression.

"Espresso Amaro Occupato, you are the love of my life. I vow to always protect, care for, and adore you. No matter how upset you might make me, I shall always have your best interest at heart. You are mine, and I hope you always shall be. Through the good and the bad, I shall fight by your side. I shall trust you and entrust myself with you. Thank you for giving me the honor of being your husband." Madeleine wiped away a tear as he grinned.

"Espresso, it's your turn to say your vows." Milk sniffled.

"Madeleine La Chevaleresque," he began, tears forming in his eyes. "As you all may be familiar with, I am not the best with words... or emotions, to be honest. But, I would go to the end of the Earth to make you smile. I would give up my studies for your happiness. You are everything to me." Espresso began to cry as he smiled. "Now get on with this damn ceremony, I have papers to grade," he said jokingly, wiping away tears and chuckling.

"Madeleine, do you take Espresso to be your husband?"

"I do. I really do."

"Espresso, do you take Madeleine to be your husband?"

"Of course I do!"

"By the power vested in me by the Magical Internet, I now pronounce you married! You may now kiss!" Milk smiled happily as Madeleine pecked Espresso's lips.

The blonde man tossed the bouquet in the air, laughing as Pancake jumped to catch it. "You?! Who are you planning to marry?!"

"Shroomy! I love them!" Pancake smiled, running away with the flowers, presumably to the edge of the forest where Poison Mushroom could be found, poking things with sticks and growing various kinds of mushrooms.

"Oh dear," whispered Espresso. "I suppose now we must speak with Licorice about our children?"

"Definitely," replied Madeleine with a laugh. "I cannot believe we're married."

"EVERYBODY OUT! THE CEREMONY IS OVER! GOODBYE! THANK YOU! LEAVE, PLEASE!" Espresso turned back to Madeleine, resting his hands on his broad shoulders. "Neither can I."

Espresso's dress

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Espresso's dress

That's kind of what I imagined Madeleine's hair looking like, but then add accessories-

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That's kind of what I imagined Madeleine's hair looking like, but then add accessories-

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