O-S A Change of Heart (Licorice x Clover)

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A/N: Happy holidays to everyone!
There are no H-Cs in this so Clover is not related to anyone.

Sun kissed skin, rosy cheeks, white hair, a subtle band of freckles across his nose, beautiful crystal blue eyes...

This was definitely the guy she told him to find. Didn't she say he was just a bard? Why did she want him? Licorice stared, feeling himself start to blush.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" Clover gave him a confused look, still smiling his beautiful smile.

"Yeah... I uh... I gotta tie you up..." Licorice scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact.

"Well, usually, my suitors buy me dinner first, but..." Clover laughed.

"WHAT?! N-NO! I MEAN- maybe- WAIT NO!!! DEFINITELY NOT!" He panicked, flailing around hopelessly, before clasping a hand over his mouth. Carefully, he removed it. "No, that's not what I meant."

"You were looking at me like it was, but alright." He shrugged, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm... sorta a bad guy, man..." The necromancer crossed his arms and looked away, suddenly feeling guilty. "I uh... I was kinda hired to capture you?"

Clover's smile faltered, but quickly came back as he swung an arm over Licorice's shoulder and pulled him into a side-hug. "No problem, buddy! I sure am quite the catch, ey?! How about we hang out for a bit, though? Go back to my place for some tea? I'll let you stay a few days. It'll be fun! Like a sleepover! You can tell your boss I played hard to get." He made a point to look from Licorice's eyes to his mouth, then back up with a wink.

Licorice just nodded gently, blushing an embarrassing shade of red. When Clover smirked and backed away, beginning to lead him to his cottage, he felt goosebumps rise on his arms.

If Licorice had told the Dark Enchantress that Clover had been playing hard to get, he wouldn't have been lying. At least, not entirely. When Clover wasn't playing the lute or making tea or sleeping, he was flirting with Licorice. However, anytime Licorice tried to make a move, he was quickly whisked away on another adventure with Clover.

Finally, he got a kiss.

It had been a week of staying over at Clover's, and it was late. They were sitting outside, the fireplace was lit, and they were looking up at the stars. The blue-eyes bastard had placed a hand on his cheek and hummed happily, looking into the golden-brown ones staring back. Then, those eyes fluttered shut as soft lips pressed against his own.

"I suppose it's time you take me back to your boss, huh?"

"Or... I could just stay here? With you? And not do that?"

"I was hoping you'd say that."

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