O-S Four Leaf Clover

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A/N: Another fantastic request by @IiGhostiCloveriI
Ok, so I'm sorry that I took so long to update, but I've been busy with school and balancing my social life and trying not to have a nervous breakdown. Thank you guys for being so cool about it. I really appreciate it and I hope that you're all doing ok.
Anyways, here is some hurt/comfort for Clover, featuring an original song by yours truly. Because I'm extra.
(I'm actually a little proud and I hope this is what you had in mind)

He cleared his throat and settled himself on the tree stump he grew to find comfort in. The familiarity of this environment reminded him of the inner peace he so struggled with keeping. It was safe. It was, to him, a home. More of a home than what he had growing up.

His left hand formed a chord on his lute as his right one hovered just above the strings. He inhaled deeply, preparing himself for that dam inside him to burst. Preparing for the storm that was brewing within him. Preparing for all of those intrusive thoughts that had been piling up to come spilling out. His right hand moved down in a strum and everything else melted away.

It started with a woman as kind as a dove
Her husband and sons whom she dearly loved
But knowledge is power
She was all but the wiser
Because to get by
You've just got to be kinder

He could feel his voice break as tears rolled hot down his cheek and dripped onto his beloved instrument. Still, he continued.

Science and magic, the gods up above
She couldn't crawl out of the hole that she dug
Buried alongside
A million friends
Was the kind loving woman
Who she had once been

His mother's smiling face occupied his brain and haunted his dreams. Her beauty and love broke his heart. It wasn't her fault. That wasn't who she wanted to become.

Oh but lilies and roses were left on the grave
And there on the headstone my name was engraved
But all lilies wilt
All roses have thorns
And sometimes I wish
That I'd never been born

He strummed harder, his voice getting louder and angrier as he choked back sobs and swallowed cries. Clover gritted his teeth and pressed down on chords so hard he was sure his fingertips would bleed. He didn't care if they did or didn't.

And even stone breaks down with weather and age
And all that is left is just dust and decay
Cause all people die
And all people change
And sometimes what kills you
Is that they won't be the same

His lungs burned and his fingers ached and the tears in his eyes stung, but the thing that hurt most was the heavy, invisible weight and pressure that threatened to crush his chest until it caved in. He decided it was time for the bridge, the pain pushing him to his breaking point.

And if I could say that your heart was in the right place
I would've moved on long ago
And the hardest thing about it all
Is that there's no way I could know
I can't know
No, no, no, no
I can't know

He finished the bridge, voice weak. At least the pressure on his chest was gone for the most part. Clover sniffled and strummed quietly.

Oh but lilies and roses were left on the grave
And there on the headstone my name was engraved
But all lilies wilt
All roses have thorns
And you made me wish
That I'd never been born

It was so quiet, he wasn't sure if he had sung it or just thought it. A deep exhale later, he set down his lute and wiped his eyes. He was ok. Everything was ok. It was time to go back "home".

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