Chapter 77

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"Thank you abbi!" Said Colette as she hugged my mom after opening her Christmas gift. "Anything for my princessa!" My mom replied as she hugged Colette. I smiled and leaned into Edward as we sat cuddled up on the couch. "Coco, I have a present for you" said Jacob and Colette ran over to him. She sat on her knees in front of him as he handed her a wrapped present.

She unwrapped it revealing a box which she pulled the top off revealing a silver bracelet with a wooden wolf charm and blue crystal charm. Colette gave a gasp as she looked at it. "I made it myself. I got the blue crystal because it's your favourite colour and the colour of your eyes. I put the wolf on there so that if you're ever alone and afraid, you'll always have wolf Jake with you" said Jacob.

Colette smiled and ran over to Edward and I. "Look what Jake made me!" She said as she showed it to us. "Wow sweetheart. It's beautiful" I said as I looked at it. "Want me to help you put it on?" said Edward as he sat forward and she nodded. Edward took the bracelet from Colette and gently clasped it around her wrist. "Thank you daddy" she said and he smiled.

"Make sure you say a big thank you to Jake for making that for you" I said and she nodded before running back over to Jake and hugging him. "This is for you Masen" said Leah as she handed him a small bag. Masen pulled the bag open before pulling out a woven brown leather strap bracelet. "This is so cool!" He exclaimed as he out it around his wrist and tied it.

"I made it" said Leah and Masen smiled. As I looked around, the snow falling caught my eye. I rose from the couch and approached the window looking out. I saw all of the snow on the ground and felt my stomach knot as I swallowed hard. My moms scent filled my nose and I saw her stand beside me as she looked out the window.

"The snow is sticking to the ground" I said as I continued to watch it fall. "Don't do this to yourself bebita. We still have today" she said as she wrapped her arm around my upper back. "How can I not? Today could be the last day I spend with my children as a family" I said as I looked over my shoulder to see Colette and Masen wrestling with Edward on the floor all three of them laughing.

"You'll be with them again. I'll make sure of it. Even if it means giving my life so that your kids don't lose their mother. I'll do anything for you and them" said my mom and I turned to her. She turned to me and I could see the seriousness in her face as I looked into her eyes. "I love you mom" I said and she gave me a sad smile. "I love you more Serena" she said as she caressed my face.

Later that day, after visiting everyone at the Cullen's house, Colette, Masen, Edward and I were snuggled on the sofa as we watched the Grinch. "Mom?"said Masen as he looked at me. "Yes honey?" I asked. "Where did my name come from?" He asked out of nowhere. "It came from your dad. It's his middle name" I said as I looked at him.

"You should've named Colette Grinch since she looks like him" said Masen as he turned to his sister. "Do not!" Said Colette as she sat up from beside Edward. "Do too" Masen teased. Colette grabbed her baby doll and threw it over Edward at Masen hitting him in the chest causing him to start crying. "Hey!" I snapped as I paused the movie and turned to the two of them.

"You do not ever throw anything at anyone Colette Charlotte Cullen!" I snapped as I pointed my finger at her. "He started it!" She cried as her eyes filled with tears. "Colette don't talk back to your mother" said Edward as he turned to her. "I don't care who started it, you do not throw things at someone!" I snapped as she huffed. "Go to your room" I said sternly.

She gave a whimper before getting off the couch and running down the hallway cries escaping her mouth. "Masen you can go to your room too" said Edward as he turned to him. "Dad-" "Don't argue with me Masen. Go to your room now" Edward said sternly. Without another word Masen got up and walked down the hallway to his room. I sighed as I leaned my head in my hand before looking up at Edward.

"Sometimes I wish they were still infants" I said as I looked up at him causing him to chuckle. "You're not the only one" he responded as he shook his head causing me giggle. "You deal with Masen and I'll deal with Colette?" I said as I turned to him and Edward nodded before we stood up from the couch.

I walked down the hall to Colette's room and gently knocked on the door. I heard her softly crying through the door and gently opened it where I saw Colette curled up onto her bed holding her stuffed bear. "I don't want to talk to you mom!" She exclaimed as she looked at me over her shoulder. "That's fine. You don't have to say anything" I said as I sat on the end of the bed.

"You know how I've always told you and Masen about your aunt Charlotte and I when we were growing up?" I said as I brought my knees to my chest and she nodded as she continued staring out the window. "And you've always asked what happened to her and why she isn't around but I always said she was away?" I continued. "Colette, my sister, your aunt, died in a car accident five years ago" I said.

I watched as Colette's eyes widened slightly as she sat up and looked at me. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "The night she died, we got into a fight. She borrowed my jacket without asking and got it dirty. We got into a massive argument about it which resulted in me telling her I never wanted to see or speak to her again. I said it out of anger of course but those were the last words I said to her. When I heard she had passed away, I had never felt so guilty in my life. She died thinking I hated her over something so stupid. And that guilt is something I will continue to live with for the rest of my life. This is why I am so hard on you and Masen when you fight. You two only have each other and that's it. Mom and dad can't have anymore children because we're vampires now. You may think that because you're half vampire, that you're immortal; nothing can happen to you but your wrong sweetheart. Life is short and you only get one chance at it. I learned that first hand. It breake my heart when I see you and Masen yell and hurt one another because you never know what could happen. I need you to promise me that going forward, no matter what happens in the day, that you and Masen will make an effort to get along better and go to sleep knowing you love each other ok?" I said as I leaned forward grabbing her hands in mine and she nodded before wrapping her arms around my neck.

We sat in our embrace for a few moments before she pulled away. "I think I'll go say sorry to Masen" said Colette and I smiled. "That's my girl. And if he doesn't accept your apology or continues the argument, you get to walk away knowing you've been the bigger person" I said as I caressed her cheek and she smiled as she nodded.

Colette slid off her bed and I followed her as we walked down the hall to Masen's room. She looked up at me before gently knocking on his door. "Come in" I heard Edward say and we walked in to see Edward and Masen sitting side-by-side on his bed. "Colette has something she would like to say to you Mase" I said as I stood at the door with my arms crossed as Colette walked around to Masen.

"I'm sorry for throwing my doll at you Masen" said Colette and he got off of his bed. "I'm sorry for teasing you" said Masen before the two of them hugged. I smiled as I bit my bottom lip and Edward turned smiling at me. In that moment, I felt a tiny bit better knowing that without Edward and I, they'd be ok.

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