Chapter 26

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After begging from Jessica, I tagged along with her and Bella to the movies

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After begging from Jessica, I tagged along with her and Bella to the movies. "I don't know why you wanna sit through all those zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. Its gross like-Why are there that many zombie movies anyway? If it's supposed to like draw a parallel about leprosy, my cousin had leprosy, its not funny you know" said Jess as we left the movie theatre.

"And like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? Cause like don't be so pleased with your own like self-reverential cleverness you know. Like some girls like to shop, not all girls apparently. Though I was surprised you even called at all you know?" Jess continued to rant as I walked beside her and Bella.

"Like your depression thing, I get it, I'm totally, totally worried. But after a while it's like, you're still bumming? I'm going through stuff too" said Jess over some hollering men. I turned and looked down an ally way to see a group of men on some motorbikes hollering and calling out to passing women. I looked beside me and saw Bella fixated on them.

"Bells?" I said, ignoring Jess. She suddenly let out a gasp as she looked in front of her and I scrunched my eyebrows. "Whoah! Bella are you ok?" I said as I grabbed her arm. "Dude, come on" said Jess as she stepped beside me. "I think I know those guys" said Bella and I scrunched my eyebrows as I looked at her.

"Well, they seem great. Can we go?" said Jess as she quickly glanced at the men before looking at Bella. "I'm just gonna see something" said Bella before she abruptly began heading down the ally way. "Bella!" I called but she didn't listen as she continued walking. "Is she crazy?!" said Jess from beside me.

"I don't even know what she's doing" I said as she hesitated for a moment before she approached one of the men. "Come on dude lets just leave her. If she wants to be a crazy idiot then let her" said Jess as she went to walk away. "Jess! We're not leaving her with those creeps!" I said as I looked at Jess with irritation.

"She's the one going down to them Serena!""I thought she was your friend!" I argued and Jess rolled her eyes. "Come on Serena. She hasn't spoken to anyone for ages. You're not better either. All you guys went through was a simple break up, it's not like someone died" said Jess and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Did you really just say that? You don't know a thing about what my relationship was like with Edward. It wasn't like you and Mike, breaking up every second week. It was a serious, committed relationship that we had. It wasn't just based off of sex, or making out, or social statuses. We were in it for the long run" I snapped as I looked at her.

"Couldn't have been that serious if he up and left you like he did now could it? And I'll have you know, Mike and I's relationship is serious. We just go through rough patches. Sorry we're not perfect like you and Edward were" said Jess as she rolled her eyes. "For God sakes Jessica I wasn't saying I was perfect. All I'm saying is you shouldn't make comments on things you have no idea about because you weren't in my relationship with Edward. You wouldn't know the first thing we went through being together" I said back and she huffed as she rolled her eyes.

After a few minutes, Bella returned looking a little shaken up and confused. "Hey umm what the hell's wrong with you?! Just curious?!" said Jess as she looked at Bella. "I thought that I saw something" said Bella as we began to walk away. "You, oh. You're insane actually, or suicidal. That 'homeboy' could've been a psycho. We were about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame TV show" Jess snapped.

"Jess relax" I said from beside Bella. "That was such a rush" said Bella still in a daze. "Awesome, so you're an adrenaline junkie now?! That's cool. You can go bungee jumping, you don't get on the back of some random losers motorcycle! Crazy" said Jess as she walked ahead of us. "I'm going to go before you do something else crazy ok? I'll see you guys tomorrow" said Jess before she walked off.

"Bella, what in Gods name possessed you to do that?" I said as we walked the opposite direction to Jess. "I-I don't know. I thought they were those guys from a couple months back. Your remember? Those guys who were harassing us?" said Bella and I flashed back to that night. "Even if it was, why would you go down there?" I questioned.

"I guess I thought it might bring Christopher back. Serena, the weirdest thing happened. As I was walking down there, Christopher appeared" said Bella and I looked at her like she was crazy. "What?! No he wasn't" I said as we stopped walking. "Yeah he was I mean, you didn't see him but I did. It was like he was a ghost or something but he looked so real" said Bella as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Bella, I think you're just hallucinating from a lack of sleep" I said. "No I'm not. I know it was him! You've never seen Edward?" Bella argued. "Only in my dreams" I muttered. "You dream about him?" Bella said from beside me and I nodded. "Almost every night" I replied. "What are your dreams about?" asked Bella and I shrugged.

"Different scenarios but Edward is always in them" I replied and she nodded. "I have this reoccurring dream about the night they left. It's horrible" said Bella and I gave her a sad smile. "Do you...miss him?" Bella asked and I scoffed. "Of course I do Bella. I was in love with Edward" I said as we continued to walk.

"I just-I know dwelling on the fact that he's gone, won't bring him back so I try to be as strong as I can" I replied as I crossed my arms. "I wish I could say the same" said Bella as we got to her truck. "I'm not fully over him. There are some nights where I can't hold it together anymore and just crumble" I said back as we climbed in.

I looked around and saw I was in the woods, the sun setting causing the sky to darken. "Hello?" I called out. A sadistic female giggle came from the distance causing a shiver to run up my spine. A flash of red leaping through the trees appeared out of the corner of my eye. I gasped as I turned in the direction and saw no one. I turned the other way and saw Edward.

I ran to him and hugged him tight around the torso as I shook in fear. "Edward! I'm scared!" I said. "It's ok my love. I'm here" said Edward. There was a crunch like noise before a thud came. I looked down and saw Edwards detached head lying on the ground and I gasped before stepping away from his body, it falling beside his head.

I covered my mouth as I screamed and tears immediately fell from my eyes. Someone suddenly appeared in front of me and I recognised it to be Victoria. I screamed before turning to run only to be grabbed by the neck and held in the air as she choked me. "Your turn" said Victoria menacingly before she sunk her teeth into my neck and I let out a blood curdling scream.

"Serena!" someone exclaimed and I screamed a is opened my eyes to see my mom leaning over me. I sat up panting as I looked around my room panicked. Once I realised I was safe I groaned as I covered my face feeling some wetness. I pulled my hands away and wiped under my eyes. "What was it bebita?" said my mom as she cradled my face.

"Just a bad dream" I said as I shook my head. "Thank God. It sounded like you were being murdered or something" said my mom. "Get some rest" said my mom as she stood up when I grabbed her wrist. "Wait! Can you lay with me?" I said as I looked at her and she nodded before climbing into my bed beside me.

She leant against my headboard as I laid my head in her lap. "Close your eyes baby and relax. I'll be right here" said my mom as she slowly ran her fingers through my hair. I felt my body relax into the familiar feeling of cool hands running through my hair like Edward would sometimes do. I soon felt myself drifting off to sleep once more.

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