CHAPTER 7:The Quest

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Itachi glanced at his brother.Both of their faces covered with mask,the slight holes for their eyes glaze in greediness.None of them spoke as they move driftly like a flash,decapitates each of the scruty guards throat.

The eldest signals the youngest and he nodded.With the perception and skill,Sasuke swished his katana to the blasting bullets coming in their way.

Itachi snatches a daggers in his leg pouch,aiming at the hidden heads behind the walls.Screams echoed and cursing followed when Sasuke had his victory on teleporting to the vain area of the enemy.

Itachi heard the stump of each of his brothers combat and he soon too followed to the second floor,now holding two of his gun,one pistol,one revolver.With the precise aim and adaptness.He was able to shot their heads,never leaving them breathing.

"Fucker!"a shout exclaimed and a gunshot was heard.The ground shakes when a big cabinet fell above them,but because of their agility and finess,they were able to dodge every flying objects coming to them.

His muscular hand grips three of the enemy who tried to punch him and they engage on some kind of hand to hand combat.Ducking at the sense of someones leg,he grabs it,twisted it and twirls it to use as a leverage on hitting the other two enemy.

Itachi tumbles to the right and did an amazing parkour in the railing and kicked someones face leaving them flying.He was busy kicking them out and he didnt notice the gun aiming in his direction.

However,Sasuke wasnt fooled by the distraction and quickly with a blink in the eye,before the man can shot Itachi,Sasuke had stabbed his chest behind its back.

Using the wall as a rail,he proceeds to do his katana manuever,cutting everyones body in his way.Between the two brother,Sasuke was clearly the assassin of the two,he was fond of feeling their body gets punctured by his katana.

While,Itachi was good with deceiving,aims,and physical combat.They are both good with their acrobatics and strength that whenever they teamed up,almost every enemy they face would be turn into pieces.Literally.

The brothers jumped,from the second floor,landing gracefully in their feet like a cat to the first floor.They were panting,with sweat behind their mask.Blood dripping in their skin that clearly wasnt theirs.

Sasuke sheathed his katana behind him,locking it to his shaft.Meanwhile,Itachi had thrown his two guns on the ground,useless and unarmored.Without bullets.

"7YH11"Itachi murmured on the little ear pierce microphone on his ear.A blurred and glitch voice appeared and Itachi turned on its speaker.

While waiting for the second line,Sasuke roamed his eyes at the surroundings,feeling nothing but triumph.Its not the first time,since all of their training and their agenda.This killing spree was deemed normal from their world.

Killing everyone who is in your way,or massacres all of their army with just the two of them,for whomever betrayed and dared to be civilized behind their back.

Because in the dark side of their world.None was condemned.None should be filled with pity.If you want to survive you need to learn to fight,and never let your guard down.

"Kisame,can you hear me"Itachi's voice broke out his thoughts.Sasuke glanced at his brother figuring out what was taking so long on picking up some damn device.

"Kkrrg-ita-sbsb--bsszz-yO-Uchi-krrggsg"the other line shuffled and the line lost its connection in obfuscate.Both stared at each other on wonder.And Itachi pushes again to try.

"Kisame"His firm voice didnt work as the other line continues to glitch.Voice was unhearable and its beclouded with an idignant failure.

Both feeling irratated tried again.The smell of the oozing blood everywhere didnt help either.Itachi pushes the device turning it off and then on again.But to their luck nothing changes.

"Tsk,and here I thought that partner of yours is sufficiently active"Sasuke rolls his eye.Itachi ignores him and then tries again.But this time,instead of a technical glitching the line went silent.

Sasuke looks at him in agape.Both waiting for some miracle to happen.It took a second when a clear voice suddenly appeard,startling them both.

It wasnt Itachi's fish like partner Kisame because he knew for sure that the man had a deep,mocking voice.The voice that spoke wasnt what they were excpecting and they became to rattle.

"Itachi-kun?Sasuke-kun?What is it?"her soft angelic voice asked.Itachi and Sasuke's both onyx eyes became wide as a plate.

"Is something wrong?"they became speechless.Their mouth hangs in disbelief and Sasuke quickly shakes his head.Motioning a finger to his ear,signing him to hang up before she would have guessed another suspicions.

Itachi tilts his head and motions his hands too in confusion.The smart prodigy was left baffled as the brothers was waving their hands like an idiot.

"Turn if off"Sasuke mouthed.His mask was long gone like Itachi too.Since it would be a hindrance for their silent conversation.

"Im trying"Itachi replied in whisper.His pointy finger kept pushing the button on the device and it didnt work.

"Are you coming for dinner?Who is this?It must be you,Itachi.You're the caller in the contact?Hello?...Hellooo.."her cute voice echoed again and even if the two boys was smitten by her gentle and curious voice,they were still arguing like a kids.

Sasuke became more irratated and neared his brother,snatching the device on his ear,pushing the restart button.But it seems it malfunctioned badly by the cause of Itachi's continuos beating.

"Helloo....someone in there?"She asked again,her sweet voice turning into a frustrated sentiment.Since the both of them didnt know what to do.They did what was left to do to solve this ridiculous problem.

Itachi coughed clearing his throat and he spoke."Its me,Sakura.Sorry for not replying sooner,I didnt know you were on the line".

Sasuke scoffed with a look.Nice comeback brother.

"Oh,why did you call?Are you not coming here for dinner?I will cook something for the both of you..wait is Sasuke-kun there?"her motherly voice brought back memories on their faces.The solemn expression they held once they heard the exact sentence their mother loves to say to them whenever they are on the phone.

"What do you both want for dinner?I'll cook it when you come back"

Sasuke erased the emotional memory and answered her question."Yes,Im here too,Sakura"

A sigh of approval passed through her lips and they heard a soft giggle,that made them groaned silently.This vixen of a woman is gonna kill them one day.

"Okay,soo..I'll cook your favorites,Your chefs told me your favorite dishes.And did you tell them to let me cook?Because surprisingly they allowed me to atleast move a spatula in the kitchen without them worrying..haha"she didnt even noticed that she dropped a bunk joke.

They both smirks at her enthusiasm.

"We did,and Sakura.Dont be afraid to tell us what things you want to do that you feel obligated to take action,you're not forbidden to do anything you like"Itachi spoke in such calm manner.

Sakura went silent,considering the solace words.But before she can say thank you,the stupid device suddenly went off and blasted into pieces on his hand,thankfully Sasuke had taken it off from Itachi's ear and he unconsciously saved him.

"Pay him in short and dont give him a mission for a day,nii-san.Your partner sucks"Sasuke blantly uttered and he wipes his palms from that ashes.Walking ahead from his brother,Sasuke uncarefully walks through the pile of cutted and dead bodies on the ground.

Itachi was left stunned.Watching his brothers back,he rolled his shoulders in flex and he sighs deeply.

Maybe he should follow his brothers words.It wasnt the first time,Kisame had brought him trouble.Doing what Sasuke said would make him left whining and Itachi wont care.

That fish bastard had some explaining to do.


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