CHAPTER 44:The Sacrifice

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When the bomb blew,everyone knew it was over.

And it does.

"Life isnt fair,isnt it my friend"One hand clutches his eye,his other one stopping the blade from puncturing his chest.The man attempting the action stayed nonchalant.

"One sits on their dear exorbitant throne,muffling golden chips and diamond shackles.."

His coal eyes shines when his hands overpowered his wrinkled ones,successfully digging the katana between his chest and the man choked,the blood splattered on his face.

Meanwhile the opposite kneeled to watch his misery,his merciless eyes never wandered off from the falling corpse.

"...while one begs for scraps"

The team quietly walks,limping side to side.Their breathing was heavy,their clothes was burned down by the fire,their sweats and blood dried and the awful smell of its toxin made some of them to flinch.

"..Ocean..oh fucking thank god!"The albino man tossed his wirings to the bushes as he literally flew away to the heated sand and jumps right in the shallow water.

Not a second later,Naruto,Kisame,Deidara and Sasori followed.Not even attempting to be shy about their almost naked body,they swam.Letting the color of the dried blood to spread on the blue crystal ocean.

A hand placed on to his back and when he looks up,he met a similar shade of onyx eyes.Crinkling while he lifts up a smile.

"Where here now buddy,all safe"with his figure he pushed Sasuke's body close to him.And instead of being the boiled headed man as he was.Sasuke let's the peeve he hated do its thing.

He never cried.Maybe he did but hes fighting it,he didnt let himself exposed into weakness he never was in introduced to.After all he experienced the tears was not there,no matter how dry his heart feel,the tears wont come out,the water feeling sadness wasnt there.

He feels empty and he doesnt know what to do.

"Ah,Obito's right Sasuke.You cant give up now,after all of that effort into winning-"

Sasuke pushed his cousins body aside.Before putting his glare to the both of them.

"Stop talking like you know what I'm about to d-"

"Oh yes we know what you're about to do,Sasuke"The curly haired man suddenly arrives.Much to his displeasure,he didnt even notice that they were the only one left beneath the palm tree.

The five guys swimming happily on the ocean was blurred into his vision before he snapped his neck to Shisui.


"Youre planning on walking away,far,far from here.Youre planning on escaping the reality,escaping the consequences we made.Because you're a coward-"

Kakashi and Obito's hands quickly shots up to stop Sasuke from killing the man.His darkened face was not a good call,and Angry Uchiha isnt one to be messed with even if their fury was directed to their kinds.

"-Youre planning on abandoning away your bonds,your relations because of some sacrifice you couldnt accept.If you would do that what would Itachi's sacrifice do good if you wouldnt continue his legacy-"

"Shut.Up,shut the fuck up!"Kakashi's heels digs on the crumbling dust of the sand,while Obito let's his one hand cling on the nearby branch to gather some strength before Sasuke would lose control.

Shisui's face was gloomy,he was one of the Uchiha's who shows emotion despite all their stereotypical wordings,so when he truly shows his emotion without putting a laugh in the end of it.They knew he is serious.

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