CHAPTER2 24:The Compassionate side

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"Who are you?"

"Tsunade S-Senju"

"Do you still remember what you are?"

"A doctor?"

The man eyed Shizune in the corner.Their eyes expressing something more likely a compressing conversation.

"Alright,lets see..."Kabuto adjusted his glasses,a solemn look on his face while flipping his clipboards pages.

The blonde woman stayed still,eyes stuck in the white bland coloring of the walls,body more likely not able to move.Her consciousness shaking.

"Is your eye sight good?"

She absentmindly nodded.

"Your senses intact?"

She nodded.

"Can you move your body?"

She shakes her head.

He cleared his throat before proceeding.

"But you can move your head right?"

She nodded.

Kabuto pursed his lips before bringing down his pen aiming to poke her arms.

"Can you feel it?"He pokes her bare shoulders,three times before waiting for her answer.

Tsunades eyes moves down,taking her vision away from the placid wall.She didnt answer but her sight is stuck on his pen.

"Miss Senju?"

She shakes her head.She cant feel anything.

"I see"Kabuto closes his clipboard soundly before adjusting his coat.He motions the black haired nurse to attend the patient and Shizune willingly obeyed.

She place a hand behind the womans weak and fragile back and nudge her to lay down gently,carefully not shocking the blonde womans nerves.

Shizune eyed her,now that her patient was wide awake,she can see Sakura's resemblance in her.She looks like a strict person noting the straight unmoving eyebrows of hers,however her fragile condition was pulling it down.

"Were doing the operation next week"Kabuto spoke firmly.Shizune looks at him in surprise.

"Now that the patient is conscious,it would cause much more damage to her neuron nerve,the granular cells will most likely travel faster and will receive nerve impulses,having cytoplasmic process which..."he trailed off.Staring at the hazel eyes of the woman that was beggining to fluttered off.The anesthesia was effecting her slowly.

"...which in short is highly vulnerable".Kabuto turned his attention to Shizune.

"Call Miss Senju for the new information,I will kindly explain everything to her if shes available".

"I will"

As her eyelids snapped closed,her consciousness fading away,there was one thing that was left on her mind.



"Come here"Sasuke frowned,eyebrow creased in annoyance.Sakura dileberately shot up her hand helplessly while carefully balancing herself between the speed boats.

When he finally grasp her hands,he immediately pulled her in his area.Rolo jumping at his boat next.Sakura sighed in relief.Now she didnt need to worry anymore.

When she found out that there was no possible ideas on waking Sai up she then scurried her way to the boat,opening every boxes or drawer or something that could help her,but to no luck there was none.Not until Rolo meowed at her way,practically shouting at her before the cat sit above Sai's bottom,his paws beside his pocket and Sakura had thanked every god in the world and ofcourse Rolo for his idea.

She fished out Sai's phone and dialed an emergency call since there was no network in the middle of the ocean,and now that she remembered it.Itachi had mention her three digital number incase she needs help.It was no surprising at all when its the 666 numbers.

"Do you really have to knock him up?"Sasuke hissed.Carrying Sai's body before uncaringly throwing it down on the boats floor.

She fumed and crossed her arms."Well excuse you Mr.Perfect its not my fault your bodyguards or mens are some kind of robot that doesnt have any single particular emotion!Just like their 'boss' you-you frigid dispassionate bastard!-"but it was to late to take back her words.Slapping a hand to her mouth,she shakingly glanced at his shadowed reaction.

It was an utter silence,even Rolo stopped meowing.

"I-I d-didnt..Im sor-"Sasuke grabs her hand away from her mouth.His eyes filled with fury and Sakura shrunked a bit.His intimidating presence was beggining to overwhelm her.

"Say it again"

She looks at him in question."Say what?"

His grips tightened and she stuttered before talking again."Look..I-i...that words..I didnt...didnt mean it,see..I was just..I was..maybe Im so stressed and..well uhmm..I dont..ugh!Im sorry okay!I take it back..please dont hurt me..!"She closed her eyes.Bringing her empty hands clasp with her hands that was invaded by him.

She heard his breath narrowed.When she peered behind her lashes she saw how his perfect adonis jaw clenched,she hear him gritting his teeth and she flinched when he talked.

"Do you.."his grips tightened,pulling her closer,forcing her to open her eyes as she do so.

"..really think"he spit the words hardly.His jaw slackened and his ebony eyes darkened for a second.He was beyond angry,for everything that has happened.And this woman had the audacity to accuse him,no feared him.But then he paused for a second.

Looking at her glossy annoying jade eyes,tears dried out,quivering figure,shivering rose lips.He slowly loosened his grip.Regaining his control.Her actions were acceptable.She was dragged by their problems and troubles,,she was oblivous at first but then it slipped out and he cant blame her for being scared and terrified.

"You know what just forget it-"he dropped her hand before moving away.


"Just shut up!"He ignored her as he revived the boats engine and drove them off.

Leaving Sakura quite at the corner.She was guilty for shouting at him.And its not like,the truth is she wasnt afraid of him.She was just afraid of the consequences that would lead them to the worse possible case.

She didnt even know who to trust anymore.Theres some guys attacking them and since shes with them its possible that she would also be in trouble.And this is the exact time she feared the most.

Shes afraid of death.Like who wouldnt be,unless you're a suicidal or an insane person.But she is not ready to be 6 ft under the ground.She still have a mother to take care of,she have dreams,to attend and continue school and be a doctor or something.

Speaking of her mother,Sakura gasped gaining Sasukes divided attention.She fumbles on her pocket and almost choked on realization that shes in a dress and her phone was left in the yatch that was probably blown up already.

How can she contact Shizune now?!Her mothers operation would be next month and she still have'nt gotten home.

"Sasuke,are we..are we going home?"She hesitated but asked.

He didnt move his head and stared head on but gave her a little nod.She sighed almost loudly but it didnt go unnoticed by Sasukes hearing.

He heared her moving,even the clashed of the waves was loud he can still figured her moving to sit in a comfortable position.The sun was digging through their skin,even though they moved faster,the glare of the sun was still piercing to their body.

He tsked.Before harshly taking off his cap on his head,grabbing the bottle of water under the steering wheel.He threw them at her side startling her.

Without saying anything he proceeds to his works again,acting like nothing happened.

Sakura smiled a little,a little fade of pink on her heated cheeks before putting on the black cap.And drinking the water he gave.

Maybe he's not that dispassionate after all.


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