CHAPTER 41:The Song

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Danzo stared at Sasuke's shaking body,and then suddenly the commotion outside vibrated by the futile shake of the explosion.

Just before Danzo can move,a kunai embedded almost to his chest luckily he wore an armor.The hinge of the padlock at the cage was thrown open by a small senbon and a black figure parkoured and landed at the floor in instant.

Itachi quickly detached his now free arms,he had taken his time using his sharpened ring to cut the offending piece and before they know it,Sasuke emotionlessly kicked the metal door off at the same time dozen of Danzo's men came in backup.

Tenten whistled and they didnt even notices that she had been carrying a big duvel bag,she quickly opens it and threw Sasuke's katana at his brothers waiting hands and Itachi catched the incoming gun she threw on his way.

Nodding at them,Sasuke flexed his arms and his pent up anger was furiously wanting to get out but he refrained and he controls his blood-thirst.

Danzo was secretly escorted away and when the men moves to shoot them with their smitten bullets,the Uchihas promptly jumps away from the raining pellet.

"Tenten get Keito away!"Itachi shouted before aiming his glock at the masked man aiming at his direction.When they flipped Itachi kicked the broken metal and stabbed its chest with it emitting the blood out of his chest.

"Who the fuck is kei-oh!"Tenten grimaced and behind the clothing of her face she grabs the said man,and threw him over her shoulders but when she crawled away to move from the scene a material gained her attention.

Not taking a second thoughts she quickly grabs it and chucked it behind her bag before jumping away.When a men suddenly emerge behind her Sasuke had taken the opportunity to sliced its throat.His unforgiving eyes was deadly.

Regaining his reflexes and flickery,Sasuke kicked the fuckers head away and uses his body as a cover when a bullet passed almost headshotting him.

While Itachi had taken his pleasure on crouching above the ceilings wooden plank,looking below the scurrying men's.Itachi reloaded his gun,before a head clashed his vision and without a thought he aimed his aim and killed it.


Itachi almost flinched at his brothers malicious voice,but he ignores his lividness and continues his own wrath,supporting his battle if he ever missed a man on his way.Itachi never blinked when a head flew away up the ceiling.

Sasuke's growled and their screams was a horrible mixed of melody for everybody's ears but it is a melodic tone for Itachi.Sasuke's katana was red.And it was almost like its painted in a vast of the sinful color;Red.

When a splash of blood was thrown on his way,Itachi gritted his teeth and wipes it away carelessly.The metallic smell invading his nostrils

"Foolish little brother"


Tenten runs in her most agile position,with the weight of the man behind her and the bag full of weapons,Tenten cant help but heave a heavy sigh.

She crossed down the familiar path she had used when she followed where the Uchiha's was caged,She avoided meeting any of Danzo's men because by the heavy baggage she was carrying.

She doubt if she can win a fight,but atleast she succeeded on helping the both of them.It isnt easy to handle Sasuke's katana with care.

The man behind her groaned and she whip her head at the other way and slowed her pace.Frowning in disappointment when it squirmed.

"Goddamnit!Stay still!"She wiggled his body and the man had murmured a blurry voice.He was murmuring something until it gets louder and his weight got heavier and then she almost tripped when the man jumps away from her shoulder.

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