CHAPTER 33:The Rare case

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"Excuse me what?!"Jiraiya slams his palms hardly on the ob-gyn's desk.Startling the pink haired beauty,the overreaction was embarrasing and its up to Sakura to push her father down back to his seat.

The Doctor named Konan thankfully disregarded his fathers behaviour,the blue haired doctor was used to this reaction whenever she spoke.

"Dad!You act like youre the pregnant one,calm down!"She hissed at him while she return her attention to the doctor,Jiraiya obeyed his daughters words as he sulk silently.

Sakura cleared her throat before asking.

"Im sorry,I dont quite grasp that,whats superfecundation?"She leaned at her desk before clasping her perfectly slim hands.

The Ob-Gyn doctor let out a small visible smile as she proceed to explain it to the father and daughters consciousness

"Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which can lead to twin babies from two separate biological fathers"her golden eyes watched the scene infront of her.

Jiraiya's jaw dropped and Sakura let out a shrieking gasp,fidgeting herself uncomfortably.

"In your second semester I noticed something peculiar about the babies examination,although the babies heart was normal and their position wasnt horizontal,theres something bubbled up to your blood test and to your vaginal stretch"Konan said professionally,Sakura was the first one to compose herself from shock and she gave a sneaking glance at her now pale father.

Clearly Jiraiya as a man was very uncomfortable about this topic specially after mentioning his daughters vagina,Jiraiya cringed and he crouched down to stop his nausea.This behaviour was ignored by Konan as she continue to explain.

"And as I guess your first fertilization was after last months last week-"

Sakura lowered her eyes down,forcing her brain memories to remember her sexual activities at the last week of May,Konan quieted down and let the pink haired fumble inside her bag to fish out her phone as she opens the calendar and started counting her last activities.

When she remembered it,Sakura taps her long nails at the screen before her eyes widens,last week on May was the yatch incident.

And now that she remembers it,Itachi.

Sakura bites her lips while casting a nervous glance at the doctor to allow her to proceed.Sensing this,Konan continued to talk.

"Whoever was the man you had intercourse with on the last week of may was the first one who fertilized you,and secondly the ovary tract wasnt quite done fertilizing,another sperm that was different from the first one was able to swim inside and catched up from the late fertilization and it happened two days later after the last week of may"

Jiraiya feels like he's gonna puke.

Ignoring this Sakura scrolled down and counted every ounce of memory inside her head and when a moment flashed her eyes she bites her nail in frustration.

It was Sasuke.

Last day after she departed away from them was her last sex and it was from Sasuke.

"This pregnancy is quite rare and—"Konan quickly aided a brown paper bag at her father and Jiraiya took it with no hesitance as he pukes.

Sakura gasped and patted her fathers back,not quite worried since her mind was still at the shocking realization.

"Mr.Hoshumi I think its best if you wait outside,It looks like your not quite the man to handle this talk"Sakura watches her father stands up and she saw his apoligizing gaze.

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