CHAPTER 31:The Gift

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A pained look scattered at the pinkettes delicate features,a little bloom of hope in her heart.As she gaze from the glass outside the operation room.Sakura didnt stop her tears from falling as she watches the weak body of her mother.

An ached feelings swarmed as she gaze at her mother's now bald head.It was inevitable,her mothers hair loss wasnt that much of a big deal.It will soon recover and all she just worry is the hopeful success of the surgery.

"She's still very beautiful"Jiraiya tried reasurring his companion.Rubbing her shoulders while he kissed the crown of his daughters head.

"She's a strong woman.She'll survive"he muttered.Sakura silently nodded,her head buried in his shirt.While his brown eyes fixated at the painful scene.Jiraiya can still see the beauty within her wake.He just hope,the god had heard his prayers.


Sasuke leaned his back on to the hood of his mercedez,partly relishing the heavy feeling inside his body.The glare of the sun shined to the wide area and an enormous wind blew his hair.

The shades enable him to still squint his eyes forward.When the familiar suited man walks down the plane stairs,his shoes touching beneath the red carpet,Sasuke adjusted his tie.

The hot weather was opressing,he thought.Out of every humorous quagmire,and with him dealing those recessive feelings,its actually quite relaxing to let his gaze stuck to his brothers figure.Knowing full well that since his brother had came back from a month of work,Sasuke can now eased his burden onto his brother's.

Thats what brother do,right?But its not like it isnt the first time that Itachi had cleaned up his mess,from the very first step he took,its always his brother who carry him behind his back.

His brother Itachi was the golden child,everyone knows that.His all the shine in the show,leaving Sasuke behind.But instead of hating him,Sasuke felt a little ashamed and undeserving of his brothers care.Quite Ironic he must say.

"Hn,Im not surprised by the lack of Shisui's presence"Sasuke helped his brother unload his suitcases which is not that much on the back of the car.He didnt even dare on welcoming him.

"Hn"Sasuke grunted and Itachi had the audacity to find the situation amusing.

"Well to be honest brother,Im not expecting a hug or a welcome pleasantries coming from you,but Im still actually expecting atleast a sentence after my long leave"Sasuke throws him a playful glare.

"Hn,Shisui said he had a surprise"When they both took their seat inside the car,Sasuke spoke.In this sudden arrival of his,Itachi and Sasuke didnt allow guards on their side.Letting their journey hidden and preventing media to swarm Itachi after taking his step on the Uchiha Enterprise.

"It wouldnt be a surprise since you told me"Itachi shakes his head,as Sasuke roared the engine and manueveres their way in the reserve place.

"Like I fucking care if that idiot would get mad.Im tired on listening to his shit,always blabbering about something.And since you are here,I wouldnt deal with him anymore"Sasuke gave him a glance.Meanwhile Itachi remained calm.

"I thought you'd be used to it,youre friends with Uzumaki,Im pretty sure hes got that worse-"

"HN".Seeing his brothers deformed expression,Itachi knew he despised the word friend.More like he can actually considered something more primal to professionalism,which is common for an Uchiha like them.

After a minutes of the ride,their talkings stopped and a comfortable silence baked between them.Under Sasuke's gut and ego,he slightly admitted that he missed his brothers presence.Because god knows how would he be able to control his shit while dealing with three loud baboons.Shisui,Naruto and Suigetsu shared the same braincell and atleast Itachi wasnt like them.He atleast doesnt dwell on wasting his saliva on something so petty.

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