Chapter 1

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Cole p.o.v

I've always known what my mother was and what she did to Luna Queen Scarlett As they told me years ago but I never felt any hate for my mum or the Alpha King or Luna Queen not even though my teenage years, after all, they did let me stay in the pack with my aunt who raised me as her own along with uncle Ryan the beta. However, I've never known my father and for the last few years I've wondered why he didn't want me in his life, all I've ever known is that he is human but I am not sure if he was a one night stand or if he was my mother's mate?

My childhood was rough and I did get bullied by the other warriors for a while but when I stood up to them, they backed off or maybe it was because I am best friends with the prince but either way the bullying stopped. After that, I found out that my mate was Skylar I couldn't have been happier at first I was nervous since she was the daughter of the Beta and I was just a warrior but it didn't matter to her, she loves me and I love her, my first everything.

I marked her when the Alpha King left to bring back his mate, we were all nervous and anxious that none of them would come back so we were all happy when they did. I've been thinking about my father for a while now so when it came to Christmas eve I couldn't take it anymore I have to know so I went up to the Kings office to ask I didn't mean to interrupt his time with the queen tho.

Cole - who is my father?

They share a look before Alpha lets out a sigh.

Alpha Blake - are you sure you want this information, Cole?

Cole - yes alpha I need to know the truth.

Alpha Blake - very well.

Luna stands up from his lap then he goes over to the cabinet, pulling out the drawer he looks through the files until he pulls out mine then opens it's and takes out a piece of paper, handing it to me he says.

Alpha Blake - here is your father's name and address all I ask is that you be careful.

Careful? Why would I need to be careful? As I took the paper and thank him then when I walk out of the office I hear my wolf Hunter in my head.

(Hunter - dude I know we want answers but what about mate?

Cole - Sky supports us, Hunter.

Hunter - and if he doesn't accept us or doesn't like what we are?

Cole - once I get the answers we have to take it from there.

Hunter - I hope you know what you are doing I mean the guy did nothing to see us growing up.

Cole - So do I, so do I)

After leaving the office I go straight to mine and Skylar's bedroom I can hear the water running in the bathroom as I enter, knowing where she is I put the paper in the book on my nightstand so I don't lose it then I sneak over to the bathroom door and peek inside, it's a little steamy but I can make her in the shower singing her heart out.


Skylar - "I heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing hallelujah


Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the hallelujah

Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not someone who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah

(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah
(Hallelujah) hallelujah

By the second line, I was leaning against the wall watching her, she has her back to me so I've got a nice view of her when she finishes the song I clap my hands, her voice is the most beautiful in all the pack well to me anyway. Hearing my clap she turns around to face me and lets out a giggle.

Skylar - are you just gonna stand their gawking?

Cole - yeah I think I might.

She gives me a seductive smile and runs her hand down her wet body heading towards her wet pussy, fuck she knows what that does to me I can feel my pants tighten she gently bites the tip on her finger.

Skylar - room for one more.

I don't waste much time as I pull off my shirt and pants then join her in the shower, our lips connect in a kiss while at the same time I grope her breast before I pin her against the wall and lift her, she wraps her arms around the back of my neck holding one leg steady I slip my already hard cock into her soaked pussy causing her to let out a little moan now with both of her legs wrapped around my waist I thrust into her hard with her breasts are bouncing in my face that I can't help but lick her nipples. We always have these kinds of fucks from quickies to hours-long ones this is one of those short but satisfying ones.

Skylar - fuck...cole...don't stop am cumming.

With the pace, I am going at I am not surprised I could fuck this girl all day long if I could, but I don't want her to cum just yet.

Cole - not yet baby girl, turn off the water.

She reaches over and turns off the shower then I carry her out still with my number inside of her and take her to our bed to give her a night of endless moans and orgasms, tomorrow I go to find my father and get the answers I need.


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