Chapter 39

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Cole p.o.v

We have been waiting here for fucking hours nearly all night in fact and no one has told us anything on Skylar or Talia, Auntie Bella and Delta Ryan had left to get some rest by order of Alpha king Blake he did tell Luna queen Scarlett, Leo and Raven to go as well but they wouldn't go but with his mate heavy pregnant The Alpha king didn't want his her stressing out and promised to keep her updated, of course, Luna queen Scarlett was stubborn about it but was getting exhausted so along with Raven they left to go to the packhouse to get some rest leaving Leo and his father here. I can tell Leo is fighting off the desire to go after Cassandra and rip her head off he's not the only one I want to do that too and so does John but I don't wanna leave Skylar or Violet. The Beta's refused to go as well since Skylar is their only child Beta Female Amy has her head on Beta Connor's lap he's been trying to calm her all night, I've had Violet in my arms all night I can feel her sadness which is breaking my heart in two, as I look down to her I can see her eyes are all puffy and red from all the crying she has been doing I have asked her if she would like to get some sleep in our bedroom but she refuses to move so she just sleeps in my arms.

John on the other hand has been pacing all around the hospital since we came in can't say I blame him though I would be the same if Violet didn't need me right now. Aleister and Selena along with their clan have been patrolling the border with our warriors, we got reports that we were attacked twice in the night but luckily we pushed them back for now. I gently lie Violet down on the couches in the waiting room since I am getting a little thirsty so I go over to get a cup of water, when I go to take a slip I get a horrible sharp pain in my chest which makes me drop the cup so I can clinch my chest, in my head Hunter is howling in pain and please no...John is quick to move side as I scream out in pain.

John - Cole what's wrong?!

Everyone is looking at me, even Violet has woken up with a worried look on her face and comes rushing over to me. The pain lets for a few seconds then goes I get up and rush for the door to where Skylar is but Leo and John hold me back before I could get there.

Cole - let me go she needs me!!!

Leo - Cole you can't go in there!!

Violet comes over to try and calm me down however before anyone else could say or do anything the door opens and Matt comes out.

Alpha King Blake - Matt please tell me there is news of my daughter and Skylar.

Matt sighs.

Doctor Matt - I have good news and bad, which do you want first?

Leo - uncle Matt please don't play with us like that.

Doctor Matt - I am sorry Leo, well...Talia had a few broken ribs with a lot of cuts on her face and body, her arm was broken in two places, a broken wrist and she has a concussion but the good news is her wolf is healing her now.

Cole - and Skylar?

He looks at me and I see regret in his eyes...please don't say it Matt I won't be able to take it if I lose her.

Doctor Matt - Skylar's injuries were more serious I'm afraid, along with the big gash on the back of her leg which we had to stitch up she has lost a lot of blood from it, her kidney was damaged but her wolf healed some of it before we even started on her, we had to heal her shoulder blade since it was shattered along with her elbow bone...

He is hesitating why is he hesitating?

Cole - Matt?

Doctor Matt - I am so sorry Cole I hate to be the one to tell you this but from what we can tell Skylar was 3 weeks pregnant and her heart stopped when we were working on her...

I space out as I can feel my whole life crashing down on me as I fall to my knees, tears pouring out my eyes that was the pain I felt it was her heart when it stopped, I listen as the Beta's talks to Matt.

Beta Amy - My baby...

Beta Connor - Matt please tell me she is not dead, she's our only child.

Doctor Matt - we managed to get her heart going again but unfortunately, we couldn't save the pup I am so sorry guys.

So not only did I lose my pup but I was close to losing one of my mates, blood-sucking scum I can feel my blood boil and Hunter lets out a growl I feel Violet's touch which calms me a little so I look to her.

Cole - I swear by the Moon Goddess I will tear every one of Cassandra's vampires apart and when I get to her she will be sorry she put her hands on Skylar.

Violet - we both will Cole.

Cole - No Violet I can't let you...

Violet - before you even think of finishing that sentence have you forgotten that I am a fucking vampire hunter and one of the best I know how to cause vampires to suffer.

I can tell by the look in her eyes that she means it I've never seen her like this before I guess I still have more things to learn about Violet. Matt takes us to the rooms where he put the girls to recover, Alpha King Blake, Leo and John go into Talia's room while me, Violet and her parents go next door to see Skylar. When we get into the room we see her lying on the bed covered in bandages the Beta's goes on one side of her bed while me and Violet go on the other, I gently take her hand in mine and Violet puts her hand on mine then I hear Hunter's voice coming in from the mind link.

(Hunter - Cole I got in contact with Silver.

Cole - what did she say?

What he says shocks me.

Hunter - she told me what happened to them, Talia challenged Cassandra and halfway through the fight one of the vampires stuck a silver knife into Skylar's leg and pulled the knife down opening her leg before punching her very hard on the kidney, then others started hitting her. Talia tried to help but Cassandra broke her arm, smacked her across the head and had her vampires beat Talia up after that they both passed out.

Fuck wait did she even know she was pregnant?

Cole - did she know she was with pup?

Hunter - no what kind of a question is that Cole?!

He's a little mad at that Of course, Skylar would never put a pup in danger if she knew either would Talia for that matter.

Cole - Sorry bud I just can't haven't gotten over we lost a pup.

Hunter - I know that I am too but we have to take care of our mate now Silver will heal faster with us and Violet touching her.)

He's right, once Skylar is better and ready to talk then we will talk about it, and I don't know what The Alpha king has planned for Cassandra but I wanna be the one who takes her head off if he looks for volunteers to do it, no one hurts my mate and gets away with it I will find who stabbed her and take their life I think I have an idea of who it was...maybe it's time to send a message of our own.

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