Chapter 10

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Cole p.o.v

Everyone in the room stares at me in disbelief as I say.

Cole - put that fucking gun down dad I will come with you.

Dad looks so happy.

Riccardo - really?

But I am not finished.

Cole - but you must swear NEVER to come here or bother my family and friends again.

He looks hurt when I said "family' but that soon went away when he put his gun away, he had given me 10 minutes to say goodbye to everyone and to pack a bag before taking his men, my uncle and cousin outside. I look to the Alpha who gave me a small nod as well as a " do what you have to but don't forget about us" look before I went to my room to pack a small bag I wasn't planning on staying there long. Halfway through packing Skylar comes into the room I haven't told her that she isn't coming yet I don't wanna put her in danger or have her around my fathers family.

Skylar - give me 2 minutes to pack I...

Cole - Skylar you aren't coming this time.

I cut her off and the look on her face goes from confused to heartbroken.

Skylar - what are talking about? Of course, I am going with you. Why won't I?

This is going to break her heart as well as mine I hate being away from her but being the Beta's daughter she has duties to do.

Cole - baby you are staying here.

Skylar - no I am going with you.

Cole - Skylar you have duties to deal with that are more important than my shit besides I don't want you to.......

Skylar - but why you know fine well I can handle myself with your half-sister so.....

We keep cutting each other off I am trying my best to avoid a fight with her but I don't think it's working.

Cole - I know that Sky but it's not her I am worried about I am not sure how far my father will go or what he will do to someone I love, he is the head of the human mafia he even pulled out a fucking gun on us...what would have happened if he had pulled that trigger we could have lost on of our ranked wolves, I can't risk anyone getting hurt so I have to go with him.

Skylar - but he didn't pull the trigger Cole, he may be a mafia boss but that doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps, you aren't the kind to be in a mafia you're a good person Cole.

Cole - maybe I am not, maybe deep down my mafia side is itching to come out.

Skype gasps then grabs my hand turning me around to look at her.

Skylar - you are nothing like him Cole, I know you we all do. You can't just leave us behind!!!! You can't leave me!!!

She yells that last part with tears falling down her cheeks I can see why she's upset about this I don't want to leave her or the pack but there is a part of me that wants to get to know my dad's side of the family without getting involved with the mafia stuff. As I finish packing my bag what she said next shocked me.

Skylar - don't you even love me anymore?

Cole - Sky why would you even ask that? Of course, I love you.

Skylar crosses her arms...great(!) She's now pissed.

Skylar - doesn't feel like it.

Cole - what's gotten into you Sky? You promised that you would support me through this.

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